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  1. #1
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
    BIGSNOR is offline Associate Member
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    Testosterone loss during sex/supplementation

    Ok, this may be in the wrong forum, but i wasnt sure where else to put it. I'm an athletic trainer on a collegiate sports football team, and one of our players was losing his hair. Our physician told him to jackoff more often to help lower his testosterone levels . Is this true that that much test is lost during sex? Because I myself have quite a bit of sex, and was just wondering what this does to someones ability to pack on muscle and recover from workouts. thankyou sorry if i'm retarded

  2. #2
    48ngoin's Avatar
    48ngoin is offline Associate Member
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    What I do know is that a 18-22 year old in college/sports is not going to lower their Test by just triggers the spermatogenesis process....production goes up and in a few hours////more sperm. LH production, like FSH is stimulated by GnRH from the hypothalamus.

    Male pattern baldness comes from the conversion of Test by an enzyme to DHT (dyhdrotestosterone..sp?). This is what needs to be controlled.

    Check Google for Topical Anti-DHT treatments or systemic treatments...both can have Fenesteride and Spiro drugs.

    It may cause blindness though! Where did you go?

  3. #3
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR
    Ok, this may be in the wrong forum, but i wasnt sure where else to put it. I'm an athletic trainer on a collegiate sports football team, and one of our players was losing his hair. Our physician told him to jackoff more often to help lower his testosterone levels . Is this true that that much test is lost during sex? Because I myself have quite a bit of sex, and was just wondering what this does to someones ability to pack on muscle and recover from workouts. thankyou sorry if i'm retarded
    Sounds like a witch doctor. Actually I believe I've read that anytime you lower your testosterone especially at a young age, it causes you to make more lutenizing hormone that increases your testosterone production to compensate. Overall a healthy sex life my have temporary testosterone lowering effects but in the long run its causes you to have even more. Also producing more sperm to keep up keeps the testes running good and there was one study suggesting that lots of sex on a steroid cycle might help reduce testicular atrophy in its own way as well.... what would be dangerous on steroids is to not have sex for weeks at a time and can cause the testes to feel they have no purpose in life so they shrink in double time.

  4. #4
    Mr. Death's Avatar
    Mr. Death is offline Senior Member
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    I believe I would check his license to practice medicine. Are you sure he wasn't joking? More sex or masturbation have actually been shown to increase the production of testosterone .

  5. #5
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I think the team doctor is having a little fun with your buddy.

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