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  1. #1
    Rungus is offline Junior Member
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    Question Question about tren

    I have been doing my research on tren , because recently a buddy of mine has come across some ttokkyo gear. The problem that I am having is how much to use, how long, and when. I also haven't been able to find anyone that knows to much about the side effects that go along with tren. Here is a example of our cycle 10wks EQ @ 400mg/wk Winny @ 50mg EOD and tren the last 4-6weeks. Here is where we run into a problem some say to use the tren at 50 - 80mg ED, some say 75 - 100mg ED, and some even say 100 - 150mg EOD. One last thing one guy wrote that it is not even worth it because the injections are so painful. Is this true or false. Thanks for all the info, and feedback. PEACE!!!

  2. #2
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    i wouldnt run tren and winny in the same cycle. thats to much stress on your liver. the risk of sides is pretty much like everything else, add the fact that it is very toxic on your liver. so you will need milkthistle. the injections are no more painful than propionate . the results from tren are, in a word, awesome.

    if i where you i would run t200 and eq with it. dont run the tren for longer than 6 weeks at 75mgs per day max for everyone except the advanced competitive bodybuilder. as always, JMO.

  3. #3
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    Tren also effects the kidney's

    So watch your urine, if it gets dark, or darker than usual then it's time to stop, you could also piss blood which is a sign of kidney damage. I'm not trying to freak you out, but tren is the only AS
    that effects the kidney's also. But I haven't heard of anybody pissing blood at 75mgs/day for 6 weeks.

    Like Kev said , take it daily to keep an even concentration in the blood stream.

  4. #4
    kizer_soce's Avatar
    kizer_soce is offline Retired Moderator
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    Okay the toxicity of tren is WAY over rated. All the profiles are talking about the ester of parabolan . Tren acetate is NOT as toxic as ppl claim it is. I ran 80mg/d for 6 weeks and my urine didn't even get darker, no kidney/lower back pain.....except for the killer pumps.

    Also Tren and winny together is an awesome hardening combination. Maybe I should mention I ran 100mg/d winny w/my tren at 80mg/d AND 100mg/d propinate AND 525mg/w eq. Umm lets see I gained 31lbs, kept about 16, and I am a few points lower in bf than when I started w/ WAY more vascularity.

    The main thing you are going to have to watch on this cycle is your blood pressure. Yes you always want to take milk thistle ANY TIME you take orals and you should always be drinking atleast a gallon of water a day and those two precautions alone will cover any negative side effects of the tren IMO.

    Not to mention you are only using 50mg/eod of the winny and that is a REALLY low dose (the min IMO).

    For the dose of the tren if it is your first time using it, stick w/50mg/d bro, you will love it.

  5. #5
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    There is no long term proof or studies of the effects of tren on the internal organs.

    I am entering my 10th week of tren at 75 MG / day and I am fine.

    I also ran 6 weeks of winny with the tren and it was good.

    I have dropped the winny and I am now on anavar .

    All is well.

    I do use liver and kidney protectants on a daily basis.

  6. #6
    Iconn's Avatar
    Iconn is offline Associate Member
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    JMO but I wouldnt run winny for 70 days. Like bigkev said add some test with the eq. I would use the winny and tren together for week 6-10 and d-bol weeks 1-4 giving you a break. I have heard that winny acts as an anti-progesterone against deca and tren but I'm not convinced of it because I havent seen any science to back it. ED inj of tren is preferred but you dont need more than 75mg.

  7. #7
    Rocket's Avatar
    Rocket is offline Senior Member
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    I have run Winny and Tren together..No Problems!


  8. #8
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    I'm running tren @ 75,g ed, winny @ 50mg ed & test cyp @ 250mg eod, milk thistle, lots of protein and pasta for energy! Sometimes my piss looks like the vitamin piss (bright yellow) other times it's clear, I think the key is water intake to keep everything flushed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    It's unnecessary to use tren everyday unless you r in professional level. I use 80 mg tren EOD and the result is drastic. Dont eva endanger your own health becasue u wanna look good, like other said, tren can fucked up ur liver and kidney very bad. Tren is "3" times androgenic than any test/ per mg. 1 of my buddy've been using tren 80mg ED. On his 2nd tren cycle, he starts to pee blood and his liver and he gets drunk after 1/2 bottle of heineken cuz his liver is so fucked by the roid substance and it cant dissolve alcohol anymore. Like I tell u bro, u gotta be live healthy and happy, theres so many good things besides of bodybuilding(women, cars, buddies, family, night life), dun give up a tree for a forest.

    PS: On my 3rd week of tren, winny, and test, I'm hard as a rock and dropped the bf dramatically

  10. #10
    kizer_soce's Avatar
    kizer_soce is offline Retired Moderator
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    NO WAY your buddy's problem sounds like the alcohol not the tren . I will bet a nut that you get better results daily than eod, I tried both and daily IS better, bottom line. Not just for pro's if that is the logic why are any of us that don't compete or using them for hormonal replacement therapy using steroids ?

    I tell you what do an experiment, do 80mg/eod as you have, then try a few weeks at 40mg/d and I will bet (well someone who is unbiased in the situation and willing to give ACTUAL results) the results will be significantly better on 40mg/d.

    Originally posted by turnbacktime007

    It's unnecessary to use tren everyday unless you r in professional level. I use 80 mg tren EOD and the result is drastic. Dont eva endanger your own health becasue u wanna look good, like other said, tren can fucked up ur liver and kidney very bad. Tren is "3" times androgenic than any test/ per mg. 1 of my buddy've been using tren 80mg ED. On his 2nd tren cycle, he starts to pee blood and his liver and he gets drunk after 1/2 bottle of heineken cuz his liver is so fucked by the roid substance and it cant dissolve alcohol anymore. Like I tell u bro, u gotta be live healthy and happy, theres so many good things besides of bodybuilding(women, cars, buddies, family, night life), dun give up a tree for a forest.

    PS: On my 3rd week of tren, winny, and test, I'm hard as a rock and dropped the bf dramatically

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