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Thread: Parabolon Quesiton

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New york

    Question Parabolon Quesiton

    I know that Parabolon was discontinued a while ago .....but my quesiton is has anyone heard of it being produced agian .

    my connect has them and I have the chance to pick um up....but I read alot about them being expensive on black market and ****... and these are for a good price...also the main thing I read is that they are the most conterfit **** out there.

    i would post a pic but my digital camera will not focus on them ...

    they are in a clear vial ...says Parabolon in red letters and under that is has trenbolon and 76mg (sorry at work i do nto have them handy)

    my connect is a good friend and he says that they started to make them agiam........but I wanted to get all your professional opinions before I go thru wihtthe purchase. he may have been fed wrong info

    please only give me educated answers......if you THINK or Heard a rumor please dont share it ...

    btw I havent posted in a while looks good.......congrats to admin

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by thinkin big
    I know that Parabolon was discontinued a while ago .....but my quesiton is has anyone heard of it being produced agian .

    my connect has them and I have the chance to pick um up....but I read alot about them being expensive on black market and ****... and these are for a good price...also the main thing I read is that they are the most conterfit **** out there.

    i would post a pic but my digital camera will not focus on them ...

    they are in a clear vial ...says Parabolon in red letters and under that is has trenbolon and 76mg (sorry at work i do nto have them handy)

    my connect is a good friend and he says that they started to make them agiam........but I wanted to get all your professional opinions before I go thru wihtthe purchase. he may have been fed wrong info

    please only give me educated answers......if you THINK or Heard a rumor please dont share it ...

    btw I havent posted in a while looks good.......congrats to admin
    no bro they havent ,they havent been around in years ,most likly fake .negma does not manufacture them no more .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    They have not started to make parabolan again, however the tren ester used in parabolan is still available on the black market. Some underground labs still produce it. Chances are that your friend's parabolan is fake.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    chances are what you have is tren acetate. I have heard of a powder supplier briefly having parabolon in stock, but dont know whether it was legit. And tren enth is cheaper anyhow.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I saw that British Dragon was making parabolon called trenabol parabolon. Its in a 10ml clear vile and is a yellowish collor liquid

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    There IS some UGL's Parbolan out there. Is it any good? Who knows, probably not (Sadly)
    I have seen it twice in the last year and a half, one was Acetate, the other was just Test.
    I would LOVE to believe someone is making it legit.....but I'm not gineau piggin' it.

  7. #7
    i jus got some parabolon qv 80 so wat everybody is saying its fake?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    My friend just got some parabolon qv 80 from a pharm in mexico has a hollogram (but i hear that really doesnt mean much) he been using it for a while now and it seems to be working for him... The whole lable is in spanish and with my lil spanish i cant read the whole thing... i can post some pics if u want or need them.

  9. #9
    Yeah it would helpp

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