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Thread: First tymer.......

  1. #1

    Talking First tymer.......

    I have been researching steroids for about a good 12-14 months. I am trying to get my body in the best possible shape, and also trying to make sure that I am healthy before starting my first cycle. I have been working out for about 4 years on and off so this is definitely a big move for me. My stats are 5"10, 180 lbs. Don't know how much body fat. My choice of cycle is definitely a mass clycle. I am planning the following.
    500 mg. sust 250 wk.
    250 mg. deca wk.
    25 mg. d-bol a day ( first 4-6 wks)
    clomid --- pre and post cycle
    Any thoughts on this cycle are welcome. I am going to get a couple more checkups with the doc. just to make sure Im 100% before jumping into it. I hope to start sometime next month. Thanx guys....
    hope everyone had a great new years...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Looks good...may want to bump the deca to 400mg/week. 25mg/day dbol should suffice since it's your first cycle. Just make sure your diet is dialed in as is a HUGE part of the equation....BTW welcome to the board.

  3. #3
    The cycle looks good bro, i am sure everyone will agree with me that you might want to up the Deca to at least 400mg/week. As far as d-boll i think 4 weeks is what you should be aiming at.
    Youll see great results with this cycle its. Dont forget to have some nolva incase gyno and clomid for post cycle. Good luck.

  4. #4
    how old are you ? hopefully not too young to where everyone will say "wait !!!!"

    could possibly up the deca amount and decrease the time on d-bol. other than that doesn't look too bad.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    As they say up the deca and you will be there ...And welcome bro....

  6. #6

    cycle for you

    week Deca T.depot D-bol Clomid
    1 200 250 30
    2 400 500 40
    3 600 750 45
    4 600 500 45
    5 400 250 40
    6 200 250 30........... 100
    7 200...................... 30........... 100
    8................................................. .............100
    9................................................. ........... 50

    Total 13xdeca 10xdepot 364Tabs 50 tabs

    Week Deca Sustanon D-bol Clomid
    1 200 250 30
    2 400 500 35
    3 600 750 40
    4 400 500 35 100
    5 200 250 30 50
    6................................................. 50
    7................................................. 50
    total 9xdeca 9xSusta 238Tabs 35 tabs

    Week deca d-bol susta clomid
    1 200 20 500
    2 400 30 750
    3 600 30 750
    4 600 40 500
    5 800 40 500
    6 600 30 500
    7 400 20 250......... 200mg day
    8 200 20........................... 200mg day
    9................................................. ..............200
    10 3600mg 3750mg 100
    11 18 x deca 322 tabs 15 x susta 98 tabs

    Mods what do you sead?Bro this is cycles for you!For more ? e mail me back!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: First tymer.......

    Originally posted by Carlos2
    clomid --- pre and post cycle
    You don't need clomid pre cycle... only post.

  8. #8
    Thanx for all the responses guys. I will consider upping the deca to 400 mgs. a wk. If I do so would i have to up the sust ? I have heard from numerous people that it is important to keep a 2:1 ratio of test to deca. Trying to avoid any libido problems from the deca. I will also definitely have the clomid and nolvadex on hand. I think planning is important, It's no use starting if you don't have what it takes to make a cycle complete or 100%....thanx again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    500mg/week of sust is fine. My first cycle was 400mg/week deca x 10 weeks and 50mg/EOD winstrol weeks 3-8....NO libido problems. I don't know anybody who has suffered from deca dick...not saying it doesn't happen, but I'll bet it's rare.

  10. #10

    Re: cycle for you

    Originally posted by forbodybuilders
    week Deca T.depot D-bol Clomid
    1 200 250 30
    2 400 500 40
    3 600 750 45
    4 600 500 45
    5 400 250 40
    6 200 250 30........... 100
    7 200...................... 30........... 100
    8................................................. .............100
    9................................................. ........... 50

    Total 13xdeca 10xdepot 364Tabs 50 tabs

    Week Deca Sustanon D-bol Clomid
    1 200 250 30
    2 400 500 35
    3 600 750 40
    4 400 500 35 100
    5 200 250 30 50
    6................................................. 50
    7................................................. 50
    total 9xdeca 9xSusta 238Tabs 35 tabs

    Week deca d-bol susta clomid
    1 200 20 500
    2 400 30 750
    3 600 30 750
    4 600 40 500
    5 800 40 500
    6 600 30 500
    7 400 20 250......... 200mg day
    8 200 20........................... 200mg day
    9................................................. ..............200
    10 3600mg 3750mg 100
    11 18 x deca 322 tabs 15 x susta 98 tabs

    Mods what do you sead?Bro this is cycles for you!For more ? e mail me back!

    sorry for the taking up of space by quoting....

    there's no need to taper any of these. tapering is over-rated and isn't effective nowdays.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Tampa Bay
    You don't need clomid pre cycle... only post.
    What if he wants to ovulate man??? You ever thought about that? You ever thought about his needs? Selfish bastard...Me me me.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles


    I am gonna start almost the exact cycle with 400mg Deca...From what i hear its best to start the clomid 3 weeks after your last test shot

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