Hey guys there is a problem that needs to be taken care of. I left the gym last nite (24hrs) and counted 4 syringes in the parking lot. Two of them still had the pin attached. I didn't have to look around - they were on the way to my truck and no I didn't drop them on the way in. What type of image does this portray? Are we on the same level as crackheads? What if it was your son or nephew that you catch playing with one? We have a bad enough rep as is without some idiot throwing his contaminated waste in a public parking lot. Look I'm no monster (6'1" 215) but if I see you doing this no questions - I will beat the living **** out of you. Mods if you think this doesn't belong please delete but its useless peons who give us all a bad name with actions like that. Thanks DD