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Thread: fat deposits???

  1. #1

    fat deposits???

    I have had some small fat deposits under my skin in my ab area... (you can only really see it when i get reaaly ripped in the summer) i had it way before i did any uice........ i did however get a few more... my ? is..... does anyone know about this? what can be done about it? and is it uice related?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Bro, can you post a pic maybe?? Only thing I can say is that you cant spot reduce fat on the human body. You might just have to cut down more body fat to get "rid" of it...whats your body fat at right now?

  3. #3
    CutieFace Guest
    cardio diet water cardio diet water


  4. #4
    I'm not sure of my bodyfat.. i'll check, but i've gained some fat in the winter.. lol it has to be at least 15-20

    they are like small lumps,, i hate it... its hard to see in the pics.. i'll get one up though

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Bro I am pretty sure you just have to cut down some body fat. Make sure you are taking in lots of water just like Cutie said and cut down on the carbs for awhile. You will see some results.

    Dont forget the cardio either. Good Luck.

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