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Thread: Andriol

  1. #1


    is it worth it to use this as your first cycle by itself, i saw the effectiveness chart on it and it had one of the best ratings as keeping ur gains. And also is it a steriod used to build mass?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDee
    is it worth it to use this as your first cycle by itself, i saw the effectiveness chart on it and it had one of the best ratings as keeping ur gains. And also is it a steriod used to build mass?

    WASTE OF MONEY!!!! Bro, before I did any research, and before I knew anything (I was also afraid of needles), I did a cycle of it. WASTE of time and $$$$$ . Thank god I found this board. I researched, got over my fear of needles,(I actually can't wait till injecting days, I love it) Listen to everyone and did a proper/correct cycle.

  3. #3
    i didnt know it was oral, really its that much of a waste of money? would u suggest test enthanate by itself for a first cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    It's oral and I looked at it to before my first cycle. Glad I passed on it. I think it also needs to be kept at a certain temperature which is probably not going to happen if you get it through the mail or even from someone local. I didn't think they would be, but needles are fun.

    Many people here recommend a long acting test as a first cycle but only if age, training, and diet are in order. Why don't you post some stats.

  5. #5
    5'6, 165, lifting for 3 years. I jsut wanted to use one cycle and not do it again but keep training hard after to keep gains.
    Last edited by DirtyDee; 12-23-2003 at 06:02 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDee
    5'6, 165, lifting for 3 years. I jsut wanted to use one cycle and not do it again but keep training hard after to keep gains.
    Sorry Bro, No such thing as 1 cycle. IMPOSSIBLE. WE all say it.

    Now research Test Enan, or Test cyp. Don't forget your PCT!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Sorry Bro, No such thing as 1 cycle. IMPOSSIBLE. WE all say it.

    Now research Test Enan, or Test cyp. Don't forget your PCT!!!!
    I never said I would do only one cycle...... I knew there would be more

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    I never said I would do only one cycle...... I knew there would be more
    ME TOO!!!

  9. #9
    how much do u expect to gain and keep with a test E only cycle, and pct with clomid and nolvadex. anyway does 6oxo work cuz ive read that it has not been fully tested and not to trust it. i was also reading this thing about test E which said most people will lose their gains even on pct.

    Even a slow tapering-off phase, that is reducing the dosage step by step, will not prevent a noticeable reduction. The only options available to the athlete consist of taking testosterone-stimulating compounds (HCG, Clomid, Cyclofenil), anti-catabolic substances (Clenbuterol, Ephedrine), or the very expensive growth hormones, or of switching to milder steroids (Deca-Durabolin, Winstrol, Primobolan). Most can get massive and strong with Testosterone enanthate. However, only very few are able to retain their size after discontinuing the compound. This is also one of the reasons why really good body builders, power lifters, weight lighters, and others take the "stuff " all year long.
    Last edited by DirtyDee; 12-23-2003 at 10:42 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDee
    is it worth it to use this as your first cycle by itself, i saw the effectiveness chart on it and it had one of the best ratings as keeping ur gains. And also is it a steriod used to build mass?
    Don't bother, it sucks...rave reviews, but it sucks.
    This is like the ongoing joke between me and a few of my buddies, I've supplied them with many a laugh as they watch me try to make that stuff work. If you read up about it, you say "wow, what a cool drug" but it never materializes. At least not for me, I saw virtually Nothing until I used Mega doses.
    The Stuff won't absorb, in fact I posted on here once trying to find out if it's structural make up would allow it to be injected.
    Supposedly it won't aromatise, no water retention, it's a gain keeper, all the good things you want in gear, but it just doesn't come out like it does on paper.
    I think it doesn't aromatise or retain water, because at suggested doses, nothing is happening, it's going right through you. And about keeping your gains, well, I've never lost what I never had either.

    Unless you're willing to BUY and take 8+ per day (320mg+) don't bother, in fact I wouldn't bother regardless of the money.
    Last edited by TheSevnthWarrior; 12-24-2003 at 09:55 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Sorry Bro, No such thing as 1 cycle. IMPOSSIBLE. WE all say it.

    Now research Test Enan, or Test cyp. Don't forget your PCT!!!!
    That's SO Funny, I was Just having this conversation with another newbie saying he just wanted to do 1 cycle, get "big" and "Ripped" and then stop.

    You'd think it get's old, and it kinda does, but somehow it's still humorous.

    I told him I can honestly say, that I've NEVER met ANYONE, not even 1, that plan to, and did one cycle, then willingly on their own account, didn't do another one. I've seen people stop for a myiad of reasons, but never cuz they "just wanted to" Everybody wants the good thing they're seeing to keep goin'!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    Seriously, there are prohormones more effective than andriol. M1T is a good example. How old are you? Just wondering.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDee
    is it worth it to use this as your first cycle by itself, i saw the effectiveness chart on it and it had one of the best ratings as keeping ur gains. And also is it a steriod used to build mass?
    once i went up to my family doc and said 'give me roids'....
    he went 'hey slow down' and i was 'like nah gimme i wanna get big'. lol.
    i explained why i wanted to get big and he perscribed me andriol for 3 months. this was before i new anything about roids. they were lame. i did put on a couple pounds but they were a waiste of time. weak as...

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