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Thread: anavar

  1. #1
    NISHCO is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Question anavar

    well there has been alot of talk where i live from the bar to the gym about steroids ,and while ive been working out 3 times a week for about a year and half now(not that long but eh) i was wondering alot of the new guys kicking around have been thinking, some even purchased var & d-bol. i guess the question im asking what would be the gains or results of taking either of these two after only a month or so of working out? no im not sure if they are high or low doses but regardless. any answers would be great

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Sorry but there is no way to answer this question. We don't know the dosages, diet, training, or age of these people and even if we did results are to individualized to give an estimate. A var-dbol cycle is not a good choice as a cycle.

  3. #3
    legend is offline Associate Member
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    anavar and dbol only cycle ?? who comes up with this **** ????

  4. #4
    NISHCO is offline New Member
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    Dec 2003
    no not both what i am asking simply is if a person had a decent diet was taking either 30/40 mg of var or 35 mg of d-boll and hit the gym hard even if they only worked out for a month before the started would there be good results or reprocussions

  5. #5
    Shortyrock13's Avatar
    Shortyrock13 is offline Associate Member
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    On a field of dreams
    dbol would pack on size and strength, the gains would probably be noticed well within the first week and continue on. Lots of water retention also, along with some sore nips as a possibility. From what I understand the gains are lost as quickly as they are gained on dbol only.

    with var I dont know, Im def. trying to get some.. Aparently the gains are alot of strength with not as much size and less sides, not sure how well they keep.

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