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Thread: Halotestin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    new jersey


    Anyone take and do you like????. What sides did you incu???. looks to be a good alternative to Dbol when taken with say deca or eq and some test.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    this stuff is great shit..don't notice to much of a major strenght it say in the drug profile...if you are someone who is hard already this will work makes you super hard. don't get me wrong you will get stronger.

    If you have a bad temper already..would advise you stay away..this shit makes you aggressive.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Fuoxymesterone, Android-F, Androfluorene, Androfluorone, Androsterolo, Fluotestin, Halotestin, Oralsterone, Oratestin, Ora-Testryl, Stenox, Testoral, Ultandren)

    10 mgs. / tab 100 tabs per bottle. This drug is also known as Stenox. Many athletes used mainly to attain strength or a harder look to an already lean physique. This stuff is very toxic. Side effects can be kept to a minimum if you keep your dosage of the drug at or below 20mg per day.
    This is one of the steroids that is responsible for the famous roid rage. If you need that extra bit of aggression you might use this drug but come off it after a month.

  4. #4
    i don't care much for halo and usually don't recommend it.....i didn't see much strength increase or agressiveness at 20mg/day, compaired other items....

    it may just be me, but i would pass on the halo...

    just go with has all the effects you want and i can guarantee it works....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I used this alone at 25-30mg ed for 4 weeks. It was my first experience with AS since it is so cheap across the border. Anyway, the stuff does make you hard, skin felt very tight across my chest. I was a little irritable while on it, but it did not make me into a lunatic; I am laid back to begin with. Strength went up but my weight stayed pretty even. I still use it sometimes, perhaps from nostalgia, but I would go with anavar and/or winny if you are looking to cut, or maybe fina if you add test, assuming money is not an issue. Almost forgot, I got some acne from the halo, but it cleared easily with an OTC salicylic acid acne wash. I also used clomid post cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I used Halo immediately after coming off a cycle of Sust-250 and winny tabs during the first month of my college football season. I kept it is small doses though 10-15 mg/day but, I was like a freakin' animal! If you saw me on the field, I was like Lat from "The Program." I would highly recommend it to anyone playing football or any strength/training athlete! -BigBad

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