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Thread: ecstacy !!!!!

  1. #1
    johnny1278 is offline New Member
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    ecstacy !!!!!

    hi everyone, by the way I am from Johannesburg, South Africa. I have used steroids b4 and found that the oestrogen in my body was just too much...... used nolvadex but it was not really helping me....... I decided to go raving and to my surprise my body suddenly felt really ripped after using the drug ecstacy.... even my chest has no pain. I this it takes all the oestrogen away and ya body feels great !!!!
    Does ecstacy really help or am talking shit, could someone pls explain this phenomonon???
    Oh and by the way I am a pretty small built guy..... gonna be using deca and sustanon , whats the best dosage??? Could someone pls prescribe a beginners dosage

  2. #2
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Outside your bedroom wind
    Wow. That's a new one. X to prevent gyno. What'll they think of next?

    Umm....i wouldn't rely on it as your sole means of ridding "EXCESS" estrogen. Have you ever tried arimidex ...or is that even available to you out in johanny?

  3. #3
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    Notice how X makes you sweat a lot. You're losing water (not a good thing) so you look more ripped for the time being. Don't think this is really the right place for that kinda question though.

  4. #4
    johnny1278 is offline New Member
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    hey guys , thanks for the replies, I do agree this is not the right place to be posting ? about ecstacy but amazingly enough it makes the nipple area contract as if one is feeling really cold and I tell ya u feel fine after that !!!!

    about the dosage for my cycle ..... could anyone help ???

  5. #5
    bex's Avatar
    bex is offline Banned
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    Short Term Effects of Ecstacy

    Source: Drug Notes 8 ( Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence 1996)
    MDMA is effective at the moderate single dose level of 75-100 mg; effects are experienced after 20-60 minutes and can last several hours. Pupils become dilated, the jaw tightens and there is usually brief nausea, sweating, dry mouth and throat, some rise in blood pressure and heart rate, and loss of appetite. There can be some difficulty with bodily co-ordination making it potentially dangerous to drive or operate machinery under the influence of MDMA.

    Once the drug is stopped, there may be some residual effects similar to those experienced by amphetamine users including muscle pain, fatigue and depression which can last for several days - sometimes referred to as feeling 'cabbaged'.

    Some users report a phenomenon known as "head rushes; what feels to the user like a blanking out of sensory perceptions humid and possibly overcrowded venue for hours on end can cause body temperature to rise over the danger limit 40°C with symptoms that include convulsions, dilated pupils, very low blood pressure, and accelerated heart rate.

    Psychological Effects
    As with LSD, whether the experience is 'bad' or 'good' often depends on what mood the user is in before the drug is taken, what the users expects to happen and the friendliness or otherwise of the immediate surroundings.

    At a moderate dose levels most users report a mild euphoric 'rush' followed by feelings of serenity and calmness and the dissipation of anger and hostility. The drug appears to stimulate empathy between users, but there is no evidence that ecstasy is an aphrodisiac; it tends to enhance the sensual experience of sex rather than stimulate the desire for sexual activity or increase sexual excitement. MDMA also inhibits orgasm in men and women and may inhibit male erection.

    At moderate dose levels there is heightened perception of surroundings without the visual distortions and illusions associated with LSD - thus MDMA is to some extent 'psychedelic' viz. 'mind expanding' without being hallucinogenic. However, some sensitive individuals may experience visual imagery, particularly in 'the mind’s eye', when the eyes are closed and hallucinations have been reported at higher dose levels. One of the residual effects of MDMA after a 'run' of using the drug for a few days, may be 'flashbacks'. This is a well-documented after-effect of using LSD, where the LSD 'trip' is briefly relived some time after the event, causing anxiety and confusion.

    Most of the bad experiences with the drug have been reported by those using higher doses over a period of time and include anxiety, panic, confusion, insomnia, psychosis, and visual and auditory hallucinations. Generally, these effects remit once the drugs is stopped, but can leave the user in a weakened mental and physical condition for a while. Some of these effects have been experienced by those who have tried the drug for "self-therapy" and have then been unable to deal with the emotions that using MDMA has brought to the surface.

  6. #6
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    well it has been known to dry out you spinal if that is what you mean by being ripped i guess it does

  7. #7
    xman is offline Junior Member
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    dry out your spinal fluid.

    x dries out your spinal fluid, like steroids shrink your dick. There is so much miss information about x, just like there is with steroids. So don't believe everything you read or hear. Why don't you go ask your general MD about steroids and see what they have to say about that.

  8. #8
    bex's Avatar
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    Re: dry out your spinal fluid.

    So don't believe everything you read or hear. Why don't you go ask your general MD about steroids and see what they have to say about that. [/B][/QUOTE]

    THATS the thing bro we do our research......

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    this is sucks!


  10. #10
    Maggs145's Avatar
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    Since we're on the subject of ecstacy. I heard someone say that, if you take X while on a cycle it cleans the juice right out of you. Anyone know if this is true?

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Maggs i have know medical proof of it but no. i was doing pills every week last summer while on a cycle. I know it wasnt the smartest thing but i did it. And i still gain sized from my cycle
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
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    I don't think I should comment on this topic just on principle. Due to the fact that I sell.... I mean.. ummm. used to sell ..... extacy. (For those of you who are wondering what I am talking about, Look Here ....AND NO I AM NOT A SOURCE!!!!)

    But, no it does not suck the gear out of you. I went on a 15 pill rollin party (lasted only 2 days) when Crystal Method & DJ Icey were at a Rave I went to and I was on a cycle, not to mention an average of 4-8 pills a weekend for the whole cycle. Still put on 23lbs that cycle. But you can probably gain more if you don't roll. Especially since I usually can't eat the next day or two. That can't be good for your cycle.

    I don't think x has any effect on estrogen. Actually, could it maybe even lower endo test levels? Ever notice how your nuts look really small after you've been rollin for a while? I don't know, just throwin ideas out there............


  13. #13
    Out_A_Bounz's Avatar
    Out_A_Bounz is offline New Member
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    know that we're on the topic of drugs (....wait a minute, this whole board is based on drugs! )

    are there any effects of smoking herb while on juice? (as i am currently doing!), how about coke?



    also, (i just remembered) E's a really harsh on the liver, my buddy used to drop really frequently and the doctor basically told him stop (he knew what it was), or you won't be around for much he did
    Last edited by Out_A_Bounz; 01-10-2002 at 07:58 PM.

  14. #14
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    Did someone say greeeeen..... Dane? Where are you, bro?? LOL

  15. #15
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    X is this,X is that,X is wonderful. come on guys. the people who think x is the best thing since sliced bread are the people who are new to it, or the people who are disguising their misery by defending its source. x is great, until you come to your senses one morning, 8 months later, and wonder how your life and your body got so f*cked up. there is nothing glamorous about x. and there definately is nothing positive about it in relation to bodybuilding.

  16. #16
    The original jason Guest
    i was waitin for BK's reply fuck if only some people knew I wont go into one about drugs like usual but this board is for BBing not rec drugs whoever started the thread needs to do some reading this is bullshit


  17. #17
    Out_A_Bounz's Avatar
    Out_A_Bounz is offline New Member
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    i don't think this was a stupid thread, a member thought he was on to something and wanted to learn a bit more about the subject and a possible connection with bb.........not stupid, especially since this is probably the members largest source of info on bb


  18. #18
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    The Rink!!
    Originally posted by bigkev
    X is this,X is that,X is wonderful. come on guys. the people who think x is the best thing since sliced bread are the people who are new to it, or the people who are disguising their misery by defending its source. x is great, until you come to your senses one morning, 8 months later, and wonder how your life and your body got so f*cked up. there is nothing glamorous about x. and there definately is nothing positive about it in relation to bodybuilding.
    I'll second that one...if you are going to spend you money on anything..spend it on Juice...

  19. #19
    timvds's Avatar
    timvds is offline Member
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    not a stupid question but...

    nah that wasnt a stupid question. but common sense would tell you that X isnt an anti-aromatise.

    why not ask if beer is a good source of protien

  20. #20
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    Originally posted by bigkev
    there is nothing glamorous about x. and there definately is nothing positive about it in relation to bodybuilding.

  21. #21
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Sweet Jebus you're talking shit. You just lossed a kersmudgen of water bro.

  22. #22
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    if u like E bri u should of tried renwtrient back in the day when it was avasilable allot better then x no downsides and feel great the next day.

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