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Thread: advice on sus lenth...what do u think?

  1. #1

    Lightbulb advice on sus lenth...what do u think?

    alright i have been puttin a cycle together for several months now... sus with deca..
    -it is my first cycle and my goals are bulking up and streth as well as seeing how my body reacts to a mild cycle
    -this is waht im doin:
    1. 250 mgs sus/wk for 8 weeks
    2. wks 2-6 100mgs of deca a week
    3. clomid 3 weeks after last shot of sus 300 mg 1st day
    100 mg 8 days
    ( i have 30 pills at 50mgs each) 50 mg 8 days
    if absolutley needed i can purchase more
    4. nolva on hand to take if gyno
    my stats:
    190 5'10, no idea on bf but 33" waist
    liften 4 years now with 5 day split
    my diet will take on 4000 calories and 330ish grams protein daily

    now for my questions:
    -if i dont need nolva for gyno...when else can i take it..PCT perhpas? if so doses-time ect.

    - im really uncertaint about whether to bump to 250mg sus or 500 because EVERYONE has conflicting opinions.... i want to keep doses down since this is a learning cycle for my body.......(how about start 250 wk then movin to 500 week 5 if i feel i need it)?

    alright i am starting jan2nd with this and have put bout 3 months into putting my diet and workout together
    -give me some advice guys?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    one, its a waste to run deca for 5 weeks especially at 100mg, you will get little to nothing out of it, b, sustanon in my opinion is not for beginners, it has to do with the frequency of the injections to get the full benefit of the prop, E3D is minimum, do some more planning on your cycle before you start

  3. #3
    one more thing guys.........

    i have the ability to get primo (test enth) but i already have 8 250mgs of sus ....could i do like
    1-4 500mgs of sus
    4-8 500 of test enth or vice versa or is that a no-no

    or if i was to up it to 500mg should it be all sus

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    do you mean primobolan or test enth???
    if you can get it, forget the sust for now and get test enth, run it like this:

    500mg test enth weeks 1-10
    ldex .25mg ED weeks 1-10
    nolva 10mg ED weeks 1-10

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    primo is NOT test enanthate..... in my opinion you're not ready to even contemplate doing a cycle until you do more research. get on that search button

  6. #6
    primoteston depot which is test en.... i was referring to this sorry shoulda made that clear so i dont sound like an idiot

  7. #7
    i have 8 250's sus already i mean i could just throw them a side but money wise thats ruff cuz i can get em 10 dollars per 250 mgs

    the test is kinda more expenisve plus i dont have some already

    but the sus 500 week 10 weeks could be run similiar to test? scottninpo

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