View Poll Results: Is Methyl 1-test worth the money; does it work? (90 tabs, $40)

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  • yes

    16 88.89%
  • no

    2 11.11%
Results 1 to 14 of 14
  1. #1
    rococo's Avatar
    rococo is offline Associate Member
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    Methyl 1-test: worth the $$$?

    I'm about a week away from making an order through KS for their 90 tabs for 39.95 and wanted to get a final consensus from those of you that HAVE used it. Would prefer not to hear from folks who are just speculating. If you KNOW someone that used it that doesn't contribute to this board, please let me know the results.
    Also has anyone else used the KS M-1-t specifically? Will you use it again? *didn't want to "source" post even tho it's an internet supplement company, just in case the mods didn't like the idea of it. PM me if you don't know who KS is*
    So... Methyl 1-test... is it good bang for the buck?

  2. #2
    Buddie is offline New Member
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    Roco, I am just finishing up 2 weeks on it and gainned about 13lbs of muscle. I have cut a bit of body fat, that is most likely due to watching my diet though. Overall I thought it worked great, I gainned about 25lbs on my bench and overall I went up on everything. I am not sure about KS? I am hoping I keep most of the gains I have, I am running Novl for 2 weeks to get back up 2 speed. BTW, I was taking 10mg a day, some said 20-30mg a day, but this worked good for me so there might be more room to grow if you up the dose?

  3. #3
    rococo's Avatar
    rococo is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the info! I'll be using PPL's tablaclo when I'm done then might run it another two weeks later. Planning on 20 mgs per day divided, sounds like it's gonna be worth it.
    Did you really feel shut down hard from it? I've heard that happens...

  4. #4
    MMC78's Avatar
    MMC78 is offline Senior Member
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    1,040 for a 9.99 bottle--good for a 2 week cycle.

  5. #5
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddie
    Roco, I am just finishing up 2 weeks on it and gainned about 13lbs of muscle. I have cut a bit of body fat, that is most likely due to watching my diet though. Overall I thought it worked great, I gainned about 25lbs on my bench and overall I went up on everything. I am not sure about KS? I am hoping I keep most of the gains I have, I am running Novl for 2 weeks to get back up 2 speed. BTW, I was taking 10mg a day, some said 20-30mg a day, but this worked good for me so there might be more room to grow if you up the dose?
    Gained 13lbs of muscle and lost BF in just 2 must be the 9th wonder of the world! just on Methyl1. hmmmmmm.

  6. #6
    carlo's Avatar
    carlo is offline Associate Member
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    How about doing a 2 week cycle at the end of a Test Enathate cycle? at week#9 and #10?
    Any opinions on this, please?

  7. #7
    ironmanmike is offline New Member
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    I think it's worth it. I'm using it in my sustanon cycle and I'm only 9 days in and up 10lbs. Started at 210 and weighed 220.5lbs this morning on an empty stomach with no change in diet.

  8. #8
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMC78 for a 9.99 bottle--good for a 2 week cycle.
    this is what im on

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Just finally got some from there they were out of stock for like a week, interested in trying it out

  10. #10
    rococo's Avatar
    rococo is offline Associate Member
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    I didn't really note a huge increase in my weight, just a couple pounds, but **** the abs came through faster than anything in the past. Now it's gettin mixed up w/ my prop, so we'll check out the synergistic effect... Overall, I'll use it again for sure... seems to be great for a kick start... really impressive for OTC (for the time being)...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    this is what im on
    How are your results so far? What dose are you running?

  12. #12
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    How are your results so far? What dose are you running?
    im about 1 month in. ive been taking 10mg ED. started taking hcg last wk cause the boys left. basically the first wk i gained most of the weight, now i am kinda leveling off. i am trying to tweek my diet currently to see how much more i can gain while still staying lean. i plan on going another month with the same dose, then running nolv as pct.
    ill probably make a detailed thread about my experience when it is over

  13. #13
    DocHoliday's Avatar
    DocHoliday is offline Senior Member
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    Vette, is it ok to run m1t that long?

  14. #14
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    Vette, is it ok to run m1t that long?
    IMO, as long as you follow the golden rule of listening to your body...yes. I get my routine bloodwork done, and all has been well. Running it for such short periods of time leads to too much fluctuations in plasma levels, etc. since i have experience coming of real cycles, i know i am properly prepared for pct with the m1t

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