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Thread: Morning wood...while shut down...whats UP with that?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Morning wood...while shut down...whats UP with that?

    Hey Brothas,

    Quick question....I noticed during my last cycle (Prop 100mg EOD and Fina 75mg EOD) that throughout the cycle I still got morning wood.

    I thought that this (morning wood) was caused by a peak of natural test being produced by the body in the AM but I also thought that my natural test would be shut down by my cycle. What gives????

    Thanks for any input!

    PS. Been a while since I've been on here so Happy Holidays & Happy New Year to all!!!!!!
    Last edited by GrowPhaster; 12-31-2003 at 02:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Well, maybe im the only one...but im confused to what your asking. I have had a little fun tonight so that is probably why. However, i do like morning wood........and so does my girlfriend.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Don't get me wrong, I like gettin frisky in the morning too (so does my girl) but.....

    Basically, I am asking if morning wood is caused by a peak of natural test production in the morning how can this be happening while I am on cycle and supposedly my natural test is shut down?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Be glad you get morning woods. It means that your body is keeping everything in good condition by circulating blood throughout ALL your body parts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    LI, NY kidd!!
    whats the first thing you do when you get up??.....take a piss right?!....morning wood is your bodys own defense mechanism against you urinating while sleeping.....suppposively you can't piss when your rock basically it keeps you from wettin the bed boys

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by pighater10
    whats the first thing you do when you get up??.....take a piss right?!....morning wood is your bodys own defense mechanism against you urinating while sleeping.....suppposively you can't piss when your rock basically it keeps you from wettin the bed boys

    I have heard this as well, but, it doesn't "hold water" (haha) cuz i routinely hobble into the bathroom, bend that sucker forward til I'm darn near standin' on my head, and you can piss while "rock solid"
    But I still don't have the answer exactly...that's kinda why I checked out this thread, to see what others had to say about it.
    I get morning woods often, til about week 12 or so, then they seem to kinda come and go, and less often by week 16, which at this point I tend to notice it's a bit harder to get "harder" on demand if it's going to happen at all.
    I have no idea what makes woods come and go.
    Everytime I think I no why, something blows my theory...For instance I thought it was when you're kicking out your own test while HCG injections and so on, because on several ocasions I have done HCG injections and had almost painful erections in the morning and during the night...But not always, so I just can't say for sure.
    So BUMP!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    I did test and fina as well. I think its the prop or somthing cause i was harder on cycle than off

  8. #8
    you shut down, but your takign exogenous Testosterone, which your body doesn't know the difference from, so you are still able to get morning wood, and are probably more aroused because you are taking supraphysical amounts of test.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Morning wood is related to REM (rapid eye movement-the time of dreaming)sleep. When the body goes into REM sleep males get erections. Sinc most people do most of their REM sleep towards the end of sleep periods , the likelihoos is high that you will awaken from REM sleep. Thus, morning wood. It has nothing to do with your endogenous test, or test spike. Youwill note, that when you are recovering post cycle, and your test levels are zero, you won't have any wood, even in the morning.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thanks for all the replies Darmadocs answer seems to make a lot of sense. But It must have at least something to do with the test because (like you said) you still don't get morning wood when in recovery when test levels are lowest.

    I guess if it is caused by REM then it really would answer my question. Basically it doesn't matter where the test comes from as long as you have some and get a good nights rest, the conditions are there for morning wood.

    Quote Originally Posted by darmadoc
    Morning wood is related to REM (rapid eye movement-the time of dreaming)sleep. When the body goes into REM sleep males get erections. Sinc most people do most of their REM sleep towards the end of sleep periods , the likelihoos is high that you will awaken from REM sleep. Thus, morning wood. It has nothing to do with your endogenous test, or test spike. Youwill note, that when you are recovering post cycle, and your test levels are zero, you won't have any wood, even in the morning.

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