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  1. #1
    tyevho is offline Junior Member
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    May 2003

    Different AAS Chemicals

    Was wondering what the difference in the muscle building capabilities of different AAS chemicals are. For example, how may the results vary if a person were to run Prop/Tren cycle as oppsed to a Prop/Nandro Phenylprop cycle, or a Prop/Deca cycle, Prop/Deca/Drol cyle etc. I would suppose this is going to be a hard question to answer as I believe that each persons body is unique in that not all chemicals will affect each individual the same. I am just trying to figure out how to the most bang for the buck. To me I would think that a Tren/Prop/Drol cycle would probably pack on the most mass, but if this were true for everyone, why would anyone want to use anything else? (With the exception of IGF and GH) I guess what I am asking is, with the availiabilty of so many different types of AAS chemicals, would a person eventually just have to experiment with everything to see what works the best for them?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Everyone using different AAS for many reasons whether because they get tested or they want a steroid with less water retention when they cut. Your cycles should always be based around some sort of test. Some people do not like using drol because though you gain a lot of mass it is mostly water weight and also very harsh on the liver. It is not only what gives the best results but also what is the safest.

  3. #3
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    All AAS are diriatives of testosterone . Each has an index ratio assigned to it on how anabolic (building) versus androgenic (male-like effects) it is. A purely anabolic steroid would be ideal but it is not currently an option - they all exert some androgenic effects... but how much varies depending on the compound. The basic goal of stacking compounds is to increase the total androgen use with as little unwanted androgenic side effects as possible - stuff like prostate enlargement, effects on hair loss... sometimes to limit water and/or fat retention as well...

    For example, using 500mg of testosterone with 500mg of nandrolone per week versus using 1000mg of testosterone can have less of an impact on the prostate since you basically cut the total weekly androgen use with a 19-Nor testosterone diriative that has lower androgenic effects.

    Certain combinations of drugs can have a synergistic effect to them too...

  4. #4
    tyevho is offline Junior Member
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    So, I guess there is no simple answer to what a person should use other than experimentation to find out what works the best for them

  5. #5
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by tyevho
    So, I guess there is no simple answer to what a person should use other than experimentation to find out what works the best for them
    Yes your right............. and research so that you have some idea what to expect.

  6. #6
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by tyevho
    So, I guess there is no simple answer to what a person should use other than experimentation to find out what works the best for them
    Your intentions for using AAS too - your goals for the cycle. If you are going for bulk, then a hefty cycle of test/deca can do wonders. But if you wanted to cut up then something like Tren /Winstrol would be a better option...

  7. #7
    tyevho is offline Junior Member
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    May 2003
    Yep, been doing the research, and am now in the experimental stage. Have tried cycle combos of the following: Dbol ,Tren ,Cyp,Enan,EQ,Prop,Winny. Am now going to try a Prop/Nandro Phenylprop cycle and see how that goes

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