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  1. #1
    fabry is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2003

    test en - dbol cycle and REAL gains

    hi, im 32, im a novice and will soon start my 10 weeks (first) cycle:

    1-10 ---> test en 350mg week (250mg E5D)
    1-4 ---> dbol 30mg ed (+ liver protection with ala and milk thistle)
    1-12 ---> nolva 10/20mg ed

    pct 2 weeks after last inj with nolva and clomid for 3 weeks
    (probably clen and eca for 4-6 weeks starting same day of pct)

    my question is:
    is it true that this kind of cycles give you gains that will soon go away coz they come from water retention only?
    or taking nolva during all cycle and using clen while clomid will make these gains effective?

    thank you very much!

  2. #2
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Miller's Crossing
    If your PCT is done right, and calories are kept up to accomodate the new weight, you will keep your gains. You always loose a little due to water falling off, but the majority is keepable.

    Nolva will not hinder your gains, niether will clen

    I would shoot the Enan 250mg E4D though

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    up the test to 500mg a week, personally I only feel dbol when I am taking at least 35mg ed. Take ldex it will help with keeping down the water retention. Clomid will help you keep a lot of your gains, and yes you will loose some water weight and some muscle weight after the cycle but if you do pct properly you should keep a large portion of you gains.

  4. #4
    TRE's Avatar
    TRE is offline Anabolic Member
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    No not really. Keeping your gains depends on a lot of factors mainly how your body reacts to them. It is true that you may see a portion of your gains go away (mainly water retention) on a cycle such as this. You may be thirty pounds up at the end but a month after really have gained 15 pounds.

  5. #5
    fabry is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2003
    ldex? is same stuff as arimidex ? and how much of it?
    what are differences btw nolva and this (ldex) during cycle?
    thanks for advices!!!

  6. #6
    monster.'s Avatar
    monster. is offline Anabolic Member
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    Alot depends on PCT, training, and diet post cycle...Other then some water loss, say good bye to those AWESOME pumps, and some strength...

  7. #7
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Miller's Crossing
    L-dex is an armotase inhibitor. It inhibits conversion of estrogen. Nolva is a SERM, it does not prevent conversion, but binds to the ER, thus blocking estrogens pathway for activation

    I use both. .25mg L-dex + 10mg Nolva ED

  8. #8
    fabry is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2003
    so you suggest .25mg l-dex + 10mg nolva ED during all cycle... ok, i got it!
    but now i have a "double" problem:
    - my nolva comes in 20mg pills
    - my source told me he can only find arimidex (1mg / 28 tabs)!
    so, will i be able to cut nolva in 2 parts?
    and will i be able to cut arimidex in 4 parts to get .25mg?

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