Hey bros,
I am currently on week 8 of a 14 week cycle of cyp and EQ.
I have been taking 400mg cyp and 300mg EQ, split into two shots a week.
I am thinking about PCT and how I should do it. I know I'll be doing PCT with clomid and nolva, but yesterday I noticed that my boys have shrunk and receeded a little, so I was wondering if I should add HCG. This is my idea:
Wk 1-14: cyp 400 + EQ 300
wk 12-16: HCG (500ius)
wk 15-22: Clen (at 120 mcgs, 2 days on 2 days off)
wk 17-20: PCT w/ clomid (300/100/50) and nolva 20 mg ED
What you bros think? Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated!!