trust me, i made a lot of search (legit pictures, fake steroid, educational, etc. etc.) but couldnt find my answer:
ive got some iranian test enant from - iran, but on the amp you can find ENANTATE and NOT ENANTHATE (with the "TH"!)
of the amp you can find (try to imagine it "plane"):
| |
| |
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_________| |____________
| Testosterone Enantate |
| 250mg/ml. Only I.M. <-|-- this one in a cyrcle!
| _
| U <-- "logo" |--here (1/2 cyrcle+squared "spot")
| |
| Aburaihan Co. Iran |
| Batch No:015 |
| |
| |
(some other printed numbers on the bottom of the amp, look like a code or exp date)
the only "strange" thing i find is the enanTate instead of enanTHate!
thanks and sorry for disturbing you, probably, in the wrong forum!