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Thread: Dbol, Deca, and Test-E

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Detroit Area///Lebanon

    Dbol, Deca, and Test-E

    would it really be necessary to run the higher dosages such as 400-500 mg a week, if at the same time i was pumping around 400 mg/week(i dunno its every 5 days) of Test Enanthate ? Also, the cycle would be kickstarted with the common 30 mg of dbol/day.

    this is how i look at it..
    weeks 1-4: Dbol @30 mg/day
    weeks 1-10: Deca @300 mg/week
    weeks 1-8?: Test Enanthate @400 mg/week

    clomid's usual treatment
    Arimidex all throughout at 1mg/Eod
    Nolvadex weeks 1-4

    can the nolvadex only be ran while on the dbol? i have seen similiar threads and wasnt sure though... also, could i just start up my test-E after the 4th week when my Dbol is complete? i have looked for a thread about starting test E after dbol and havent found much, just a thought and any opinions on my possibly retarded idea?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Those doses will work but they are the min I would recommend. I wouldn't run dbol on a first cycle. And if you don't have enough nolva for full cycle save it incase you get gyno

  3. #3
    Swellin Guest
    After reading your last paragraph, I would like to add the following to what Ron said (He know his shiot, by the way).

    Run the test past the deca.

    Yes, run the test with the dbol...if you decide to run Ron, I think test and deca should be plenty.
    Hey, I'm running test and deca right now!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Boston MA
    not to overkill what swellin and Ron said, but you need more nolva in case of gyno and for pct, and you need to run the test longer. Deca is going to crush your HPTA, the test needs to be there or you can kiss any libido goodbye.....

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