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Thread: Need Help

  1. #1
    Dreamntree is offline New Member
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    Need Help

    I am a newbie and I am 6'1 150 and have worked out off and on for a couple years. I just have a hrad time packing on muscle and getting bigger. I was trying to get in contact with someone very knowledgable and I wanted help me out with a beg. cycle and then let me know when and what a 2nd cylce to harden or what i should do. My goal is just to put on about 30 pounds of solid muscle and that is cut, as I am not big now but I am somewhat cut. I eat properly cal. protein etc. I just want to weigh about 180 and be nice and cut all over. I also don't want to ruin my sex drive and or the size of things down there at all. ANy help would be greatly appreciated.thanks.

  2. #2
    DocHoliday's Avatar
    DocHoliday is offline Senior Member
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    Try to be detailed and tell us more.

    Detailed framework of your diet. Detailed framework of your training.

    Chances are, if you’re a hard gainer you aren’t eating enough calories.


  3. #3
    THE PUMP's Avatar
    THE PUMP is offline Member
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    More details bro,What age are you anyway?

  4. #4
    Mr. Death's Avatar
    Mr. Death is offline Senior Member
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    If you are 6'1" and you only want to get up to 180 lbs., you don't need steroids . You can get to that weight rather easily at your height. Like Doc said, it sounds like you need to get your diet in check as you are probably not taking in enough calories. Do some searches in the diet forum regarding a bulking diet.

  5. #5
    MachZ's Avatar
    MachZ is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreamntree
    I am a newbie and I am 6'1 150 and have worked out off and on for a couple years. I just have a hrad time packing on muscle and getting bigger. I was trying to get in contact with someone very knowledgable and I wanted help me out with a beg. cycle and then let me know when and what a 2nd cylce to harden or what i should do. My goal is just to put on about 30 pounds of solid muscle and that is cut, as I am not big now but I am somewhat cut. I eat properly cal. protein etc. I just want to weigh about 180 and be nice and cut all over. I also don't want to ruin my sex drive and or the size of things down there at all. ANy help would be greatly appreciated.thanks.

    At 6'1" - 150lbs bro, your not eating enough cals or your training is really bad.
    I would suggest that you get your diet down iron clad as well as your training for awhile before you even consider AAS.
    Steroids are not magic, if your not gaining now you most likey won't if you do them. Don't risk the sides and waste your money for nothing till you are 100% sure you can't gain anymore natural.

  6. #6
    DocHoliday's Avatar
    DocHoliday is offline Senior Member
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    I didn’t even pay attention that you were only 150. I’m 5’10 and only ~185lbs. I did my cycle close to 175lbs and that is me being shorter than you plus 25lbs heavier…take a few pounds for body fat.

    Even I wasn’t big enough to have started, but I’m addicted now, so I’m not trying to be hypocritical but helpful.


  7. #7
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    It takes time, not sure about your age but sounds like you need to keep a couple of 10lb buckets of Nlarge2 weight gainer around at all times and a 10lb bag of whey protien. Adjust your diet, add half a serving of weight gainer in the morning, and after your workout. Then a protien shake right before bed. What does your diet look like right now? I would stay away from AS, you should be able to put it on naturally but will need patience. You could put on 12-20lbs in a year with some minor diet adjustments and proper workout.

  8. #8
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dave mathews sucks, and if you only want to gain 30 lbs, you need food and discipline, not steroids .

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