I just read Docs post for beginers. Nice post. I am not really a beginer, but compaired to many AS users, I am.
I have done 2 cycles a year for 3 years. I do 1g test E and 500mg EQ a week for 14 weeks. I am 44, 200lbs and 5'7".
I get no sides except increased sex drive in the beginning and reduced by the end. I have but never took Nolvadex.
My problem..... Post Cycle, Clomid breaks me out so badly that I always quit taking it after the first week. Doc wrote that I should run the clomid and nolvadex together. Will this help? I bought hgc this time (over priced at $45 per amp)
I only got 2 and thought about using them with the clomid.
Any help would be great
BTW.... This Fri will be my last shot