Im about to start my second cycle and I was thinking about going with an EQ and SUST combo for about 15 weeks, any suggestions on how I should run it, and how I should run my PCT, any input is apreciated.
Im about to start my second cycle and I was thinking about going with an EQ and SUST combo for about 15 weeks, any suggestions on how I should run it, and how I should run my PCT, any input is apreciated.
We need info like cycle experience, age weight, etc. Also give us an idea of what your thinking. I would run 1500 to 2000 mg of sust and 1000 eq a week for me but I dont think you have something like that in mind.
you put the cycle together after researching what you want, then we'll take a look at it
okay I'm about 5'9, 220lbs, 20years old, with roughly 10% bodyfat, Ive been traingin for almost 6 years and with this cycle I am looking to add some more keepable mass while increasing my definition and vascularity.
1st cycle? 2nd? You sound pretty big already. Is the 10% correct?
Yeah I have to periodically get my bodyfat taken due to the fact I am a college wrestler so roughtly 10-12% is where I am at, this is going to be my second cycle. I was thinkin about running it 500eq and 500 sust a week, any suggestions on how often I should inject? and would you make any alterations on my dosage?Originally Posted by 50%Natural
generally people run the eq a little lower so 400 mg would be fine, and end the eq a little before the sust
I wouldn't run sust, but my opinion, Id get the cheaper and similarly effective test enanthate if you can. I'd run sust 11 or 13 weeks and the eq 10 or 12 weeks depending on what you felt most comfortable with. Dosages are okay too for a 2nd cycle, you could prolly go with 400mg eq and see similar results.
Originally Posted by 50%Natural
Yeah after reading some posts on here and doing my own research I think Im going to stick with test enanthate and eq, instead of the Sust, I am just finishin up my cycle of Test Enanthate and Decca and I've had some awesome gains, so Ill probably stick with the enthanate for now.
way cheaper and easier to maintain optimal blood levels for maximum benefits. Smart decision for the body and the wallet. Good luck.
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