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  1. #1
    gino_slayer's Avatar
    gino_slayer is offline Associate Member
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    Would this kind of "bridge" work?

    I was thinking of throwing in d-bol the last 2 weeks of my cycle or so. I want to start it while im still on and "bridge" the gap between the time im not taking anything and when PCT starts. So i wanted to run 30mg/d until 2 days before PCT. Is this a good idea or not?

    PS i was thinking of winny but i want to save all of it for when i cut
    Last edited by gino_slayer; 01-15-2004 at 06:51 PM.

  2. #2
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Prop would be better for this, but I would think d-bol would do something for you. Thing is, it's only going to do the same it would do for you at the beginning of your cycle, and that is pack on some water weight, and a little muscle. The water will leave when you are done, and toward the end, you will effectively be using only d-bol. I wouldn't do it, but like I said, prop would work great for making the transition into PCT.

    What does the rest of your complete cycle look like now?


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    like moto said prop would be a letter better of a choice, if not prop you could use winny instead of dbol .

  4. #4
    HollywoodM3's Avatar
    HollywoodM3 is offline Member
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    I agree with the prop, to some level... but I have to say with only a 3-4 wk PCT, you need to give the body a little rest, if the PCT is done right you shouldnt loose anything. but I would use Clens, I would stay away from the d-bol, it will surpres your natural Test levels even by taking 1, 5mg tab. and that is the opposite thing we are trying to accomplish with the clomid in the PCT..

  5. #5
    gino_slayer's Avatar
    gino_slayer is offline Associate Member
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    yeah but i mean i want to take 30mg/d just between the time of my last injection of deca /sust till PCT STARTS. So then when i start PCT i can get my natty levels back up. I dont see too much of a problem with it... if there is then i would really like to know

  6. #6
    z28man is offline Junior Member
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    Shouldnt be a problem as it kind of paralells the reasoning for taking winny at the end, to bridge the gap with a short-acting AAS. But I dont think dbol is the best idea as youre going to be losing a lot of water when coming off, so adding a whole lot of water towards the end to just drop it a few weeks later isnt to smart and will probably end up making you think youve lost more than you have (with all the excess water). Dbol is definetly better at the beginning so you can solidify the gains made by dbol after that first 4-6 weeks you took it. Thats the way I go about my cycles anyway. Put on the bulk and mass, and towards the end try lean out, lose some water, and harden up a bit so PCT wont be such a drastic transition. Your reasoning is correct, just pick something better like the other guys said, prop or winny.

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