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Thread: this is it

  1. #1
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    this is it

    This is it my first cycle is gonna start in a few days and I figured i would run it buy you guy to see if I could fill in any holes that may appear

    I'm 5'11" 209lbs 24 years old
    gym experience=4 yrs

    never done a real cycle except for some winny 6wks

    this is my cycle
    1-4 anabol (british dispensery)
    1-10 test cyp 400 mgs split 200mgs mon 200mgs thurs (british dragon)
    1-4 or 4-8 test prop 100mgs eod (british dragon)
    nolvadex on hand 10 mgs a day if needed
    proviron 25mgs a day
    clomid post cycle
    3 wks after last cyp 300mgs clomidX3 days,
    100mgsX7days, 50mgsX7days


    436g protein
    389g carbs
    110g fat

    8 meals every 2 hours spread apart
    clean food chivken sweet potatoes broccoli and protein shakes
    eggs and flax oil mainly.

    4 days a week
    mon,tue,thur,fri off wed
    rotateing bodyparts twice a week

    let me know if there is anything that I forgot

    I thought about starting cycle logs but I dont have a digicam to post pics

  2. #2
    TestFreak's Avatar
    TestFreak is offline Associate Member
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    looks good depending on how sensitive to gyno you are i dont see a real need to run the proviron throughout the whole cycle just as long as you have the bolth antiestrogens on hand just incase, also what dose are you running the anabol at.

  3. #3
    GETTING HUGE is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2003
    I would just run cyptwice a week by itself for the cycle, that way you can see how it works on you. you could do prop but you would have to inject more.

  4. #4
    big swoll's Avatar
    big swoll is offline Member
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    why are you running your clomid like that as opposed to the "ususal" way...i mean:

    day 1 300mg
    day 2-11 100 (or 150)
    day 12-21 50mg

    im not trying to flame, im just curious....and i would leave the prop out

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