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Thread: customs on a cruise?

  1. #1

    Question customs on a cruise?

    Do you have to go through customs if you are on a cruise makin a stop in mexico?

  2. #2
    on the way back you do. just have to declare stuff you bring back. PM me bro, let's talk

  3. #3
    very time i've used my passport there was customs waiting right befor or after.................. sorry

    Just get a little drunk put a camera around your neck and pinch your girlfriend has you go through..... no friuts or vegs the dogs will smell them. If the dogs smell something and set down next to you and then the guys out of noware jump you

    but don't let this scare you or there for vaction not to become an internation drug smiggler... so they won't look twice at you

    or just mail the shit to yourself from there

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Yep, its usually very cursory with dogs. Been on a couple of cruises with two different cruise lines. As Keymastur said email if you need more info.

  5. #5
    Never had dogs at customs for mine....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    I did when i came back through customs once. At it was freaky as we had some mad ass bud we were bringing back. . .the girl that was holding the dog got called back by one of her superiors, and thats when we went through, right after that she came back with the dog and he sniffed the peoples bags behind us Now, doesnt that sound like fun???

    I don't think they'll sniffing for anabolics, but PM key as he is the MASTUR at stuff like this.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by PaPaPumP
    I don't think they'll sniffing for anabolics, but PM key as he is the MASTUR at stuff like this.
    you flamin me bro ? watch yo ass, i'll be back in AZ in one month and i'm comin after ya...haha...better be doin this til then - cause i'll leave you lookin like this

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    you don't even have to declare your bags for
    customs. Rarely will you be searched. I could have walked
    off my last cruise with a duffle bag full of gear. Best is to
    hide it in your underwear though.

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