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Thread: Critique this cutting cycle plz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Conroe, Tx

    Question Critique this cutting cycle plz

    Ok..I will be coming off a bulking cycle consisting of dbol, sus, deca, and win.....then the obvious clomid cycle. I know I will need to cut down and loose some bf%. I am currently at around 18-20%.

    I have read everything on the forums about cutting cycles and I think I have pieced together a cycle. Let me know what you think of this please.

    EQ- 600mg/wk= for 10 weeks
    winny - 50mg/day for 6 weeks starting in week 6
    clen/eca- 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off for 8 weeks
    Primo- 400mg/wk for 10 weeks
    T3- day 1-25mcg
    day 2-4 =50mcg
    day 5-7=75 mcg
    day 8-23=100mcg
    day 24-27=75mcg
    day 28-30=50mcg
    day 31-33=25 mcg

    If this looks bad please tell me.. I have not done a cutting cycle before.

    I also noticed alot of people are weary of T3. Why is that?

    I also know to keep my diet in check and I plan to do cardio 4x a week for 30min per session.

    Please give me some feedback, and if you have a better suggestion let me know.

  2. #2
    looks good to put some test/tren in the mix and i'll run this cycle.....

    people are leary of cytomel, because it has the potential to damaging your thyroid and then your stuck on pills forever....keep the dose below 100mg and taper up and down like you longer than 6 weeks and you should be fine....viper

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Conroe, Tx
    can I get a few opinions on this cycle please?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I actually wanted to ask you a question to help me. Ex;ain the Clen/ECA I know what it is but how much would you be taking and how.

    If I am looking to put together my first serious cycle to cut would Eq and Winny do the trick or is the Clen/ECA totally necessary.

    Hey man I appreciate it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Primetime, if you really wanna cut, clen and eca are pretty necessary b/c they burn fat by raising your body temp a little. Neither winny nor eq does this. I'm taking my clen as follows: 2wks on, 2 wks off with ECA on the off weeks. I have .02mg pills and I'll take 1 the first day, 2 the next, 3... until leveling out at about 6 a day. You need to eat a lot on eq especially so I'd run some clen and eca. Good luck. Viper will probably have some good advice too.

  6. #6
    whats up jp....good advice as always bro

    I like to run superclen, starting at .25 tab ed, and working up to 1 tab ed. you have to experiment since the keto. will make you really sleepy.....and the shakes will tell you your max dose....

    with clen start with 4 tabs of clen per day and increase the dose by 1 tab per day until you start to shake. this will be your running dose......

    also run t3 as well starting at 25mcg, and working up, then back down..... 1112223334444554444333222111.....don't run t3 for more than 6 weeks.......

    ok....forgot the question and theme (LOL).....its very early here...viper

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