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Thread: T3 Temperature

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    alliston, ontario, Canada

    T3 Temperature

    Does anybody monitor there body temp anymore...before...during...and after there cycle of t3 or cytomel???

    I've been reading alot of posts lately with people arbatrarily taking thyroid hormone without any rhyme or reason...there must be alot of conflicting info out there or people just aren't doing their homework.

    When in without!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO

    Everybody has become quiet all of a sudden???


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Hey which one are you???

    I have never done any reading on this topic so it is safe to say no I have never monitored my temp. What are they saying is a safe temp for you to be at while using T3 or should I say what is the ideal temp for rapid fat loss with T3?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Quote Originally Posted by Shredz
    Hey which one are you???

    I have never done any reading on this topic so it is safe to say no I have never monitored my temp. What are they saying is a safe temp for you to be at while using T3 or should I say what is the ideal temp for rapid fat loss with T3?
    Optimal metabolic temps are between 97.6 and 98.2 but if your temperature is 98.0 everyday and then one day you wake up and it's 96.8, that means your bio feed back mechanism is shuting you down and you need to stop taking your t3. There's alot of talk about ramping/constant/taper which is a good idea, but because we all respond differently, monitoring what your body is doing while your interupting the normal process is very important.

    For instance...if your body temp (whether your taking t3 or not) is at say 98.0 every morning for 5 days and then you wake up one morning and your temp is 97.5, you should not train that day because your body is telling you that your body is still stressed from the day before and has not yet recovered, so you are still in a catabolic state. Many factors can be taken into consideration...over training, not enough rest, not enough nutrient or macronutrients etc...

    Taking your pulse goes hand in hand with your body temp and is another sign off stress in the body...for instance if your temp is high your pulse will be low...if your temp is low your pulse rate will be higher that day.

    So rather than taking suplements by just following guidelines of how "frank" takes his t3...your body will tell you what you should do if you just take the time to listen and educate yourself. that's not to say that several people for years have been taking suplements with out monitoring the bodies reaction and have faired well, with little or no evident side effects...but what happens to us years down the road...none of us really know the long term side effect of the **** we are doing to our bodies today!
    So play it safe and learn to listen to your body.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Wow..that was a good read...I totally hear you on that one. If you don't mind we should discuss this T3 thing a little further.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Quote Originally Posted by Shredz
    Wow..that was a good read...I totally hear you on that one. If you don't mind we should discuss this T3 thing a little further.
    anytime bro!

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