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  1. #1
    shadowed is offline New Member
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    Exclamation liver failure form anadrol

    hey..its me again...i just fond what he was taking .. when he was in the hsptl..he had to tell the dctrs tha he was taling steroids ...whats wierd is that the doctors said that the oither shit is nt what did it to him ... he had been taking anadrol for 2 weeksabout 8 pills a week..the dctrs sd that his liver was scarred and just stopped working...anyway just an update......thank s to everyone who replied last time..take it easy ..

  2. #2
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    what's his long term status? is his liver done forever, or will he recover and be able to function regularly. anadrols are no joke

  3. #3
    shadowed is offline New Member
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    new york

    Arrow liver status

    hes ok....getting there anyway..his doctor told him that he can never do steroids again.....he also said that he knew about anadrol and what it could do but once he saw the results he couldnt help himself....tehone thingthat he asked his doctor is fi he could rink again...the dr tol dhim that drinking didnt cause his live rto fail so that was fine , but he had to drink in moderation..all his hsit was tossed dthing fo ehim too..he would have been on it again in weeks....

  4. #4
    Anabolic_Ph.D is offline New Member
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    Sorry bro, but I take the A Bombs all the time. And I recommend them too! They are good, and safe, WHEN used properly, and taken with about 1000mg of Milk Thistle a day. AND NOT DRINKING! I am VERY sorry to here about what happened to your friend! I hope that this shows some new guys how much of a commitment you have to make to be into this world. Some guys think that you can drink as long as you are not on 17aa (Harsh on the Liver) steroids . NOT TRUE! Even while on normal juice (Test, Deca , etc..) you will still have higher levels of Cholestrol, Blood Pressure, etc... And drinking will just intensify those more as well! When you drink with normal gear, you might get away with it, but you will kiss most of your gains good-bye. Drinking on a 17aa(D-Bol, Winstrol , Anadrol , etc..) is just plane stupid, and you are asking for it!

  5. #5
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Back from Hell
    Im on 1oomg Anadrol a day and 100mg of test a week all with no problems its just what your body can handle

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