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Thread: best cycle for me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    best cycle for me?

    Hi there...

    I'm still planning my first cycle, from wich i expect to gain 15-20lbs.
    I have 3 years of training exp and i'm 20 now. I want to gain slowly and quality mass, and with as less sides af poss. so i have come up with 3 diff cycles wich i think would do it! what do you think would be best for me?

    primo 300mg + sust250mg - 8 weeks + dbol 20mg day first 4 weeks
    primo 300mg + dbol 20mg day - 8 weeks
    sust 250mg +dbol 20mg day - 8 weeks

    (+clomid and nolva to all of them)

    i know that now a lot of people at gonna say "double all of i and extend to 10 weeks". doing that will make me gain even more AND with even more sides, and i don't want alot of sides.
    I wanna hear from people who have tried one of the above by themselves..... what ´did you gain, what were the sides?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I didn't try any of the above but my first cycle was deca/winstrol
    weeks 1-10 deca @ 400mg/week
    weeks 3-8 winstriol @ 50mg/EOD
    Clomid post cycle
    Gains were slow, strength wenth up considerably, no sides at all!! Gained 22lbs...kept 19-20lbs. Diet was very good, drank tons of water, used milk thistle, trained 4 days per week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    dont run the dbol for the full 8 weeks though, just run it for the first 4-6, you can probably get by with 6 weeks b/c of the low dose.

    start clomid three weeks after your last dose of sus.

  4. #4
    week 1-10
    400 deca
    500 sus
    week 1-4
    dbol 30mg day
    week 6-10
    50mg whinny

    this is a good beginner cycle

    with anti-g, clomid, and liver 52 or milk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Gear101
    week 1-10
    400 deca
    500 sus
    week 1-4
    dbol 30mg day
    week 6-10
    50mg whinny

    this is a good beginner cycle

    with anti-g, clomid, and liver 52 or milk
    I don't agree at all G101. Running a 17AA for 10 weeks is WAY to harsh on the liver...ESPECIALLY for a newbie. And if he were to run winny at all (not whinny), 50mg/EOD is more than adequate.

    What is an anti-g?

    No flame bro...but you are a rookie yourself, so you SHOULD NOT be giving out ANY information re: AAS unless you preface your answer with "I'm new too, but Ive read that....." or "Although I've just started, I've had good results with....". Seriously bro...this can be dangerous and if I was new looking for advice on drugs that could POSSIBLY harm me, I'd want to hear from VETS and people with ALOT of experience...not another newbie. Please don't do that again.
    Last edited by Pete235; 01-15-2002 at 09:49 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    i think i would go with the sus + dbol....

    both primo sus and dbol would be expensive and i don't think it's worth the money....??

    One thing.... i have read alot bout primo. some say you won't gain anything others say it's ok for a beginner looking for 15 lbs. what dou you think bout primo to a newbie?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Good call Pete.

    Bez Keep it simple

    D-Bol 30mg ED
    Deca 400mg
    Sus 500mg

    11 Clomid

    300mg D1, 100mg next ten days, 50mg ten days.

    Have Nolva on hand.

    Run milk thistle one week b4/after D-Bol at 1000mg ED.

    What are your full stats, height, weight, bf and whats the diet and traing like?

  8. #8
    I think that primo isn't as good as winny. I wont use either because of hairloss. If you aren't afraid of hairloss go with the deca/winny for the first cycle - or sust/deca.

    My first was deca only, and I gained 25 lbs. Keep it simple. You don't need a lot your first time.

  9. #9
    sorry pete that was my first cycle

    good bye
    and i guess that i'm reading this wrong or i typed it wrong
    Last edited by Gear101; 01-15-2002 at 11:17 AM.

  10. #10
    Test is much worse on the hair then winny and primo well at least for me its that way. Sorry for getting off the subject. Everyone will react diffrent to AS.

    Primo at 300mg week/ for 8 will be perfect
    Sust 250-500 mg week/ for 8 i would go with 500mg split into two inj/week.
    D-boll 25-30mg/4 weeks with some milt thisle 1000mg/day

    Cycle looks good next time you might want to use cyp or enanthate insted of sust its just as good bro. I like the t-200 by "tornel". I also would sub. the winny insted of primo for the same reasons much cheaper. Good luck with your cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    thanx for your posts........ i have already found out that deca isnt right for me....... because of prog. gyno. i don't wanna have bt....even thoug the chance is very small with low dosages.

    isnt there anyone who have comments to primo as a mass builder in first cycle??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bez... I was happy to see a 1st timer being reasonable with the amounts. You are about right on to expect 15-20lbs on those amounts. Primo is good stuff but it just isnt a good mass builder. Especially for a man, unless your body type eats a burger and gains a lb. Most men arent that way, though. I would say deca but you said that it wasnt for you, you may be suprised. Have you thought of EQ? It is similar to primo though. Do yourself a favor and dont do anymore than 250mg a week for your first go around on test. Milk it for all its worth, then decide if you want to go up.

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