Hi there...
I'm still planning my first cycle, from wich i expect to gain 15-20lbs.
I have 3 years of training exp and i'm 20 now. I want to gain slowly and quality mass, and with as less sides af poss. so i have come up with 3 diff cycles wich i think would do it! what do you think would be best for me?
primo 300mg + sust250mg - 8 weeks + dbol 20mg day first 4 weeks
primo 300mg + dbol 20mg day - 8 weeks
sust 250mg +dbol 20mg day - 8 weeks
(+clomid and nolva to all of them)
i know that now a lot of people at gonna say "double all of i and extend to 10 weeks". doing that will make me gain even more AND with even more sides, and i don't want alot of sides.
I wanna hear from people who have tried one of the above by themselves..... what ´did you gain, what were the sides?