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Thread: What should i do

  1. #1

    What should i do

    I have been lifting for a few months and dont see the results that i would really like to, I am 5'11" 200lbs. I am kinda chunky and want to get some strength but not get too much weight gain.

    I was thinking of taking D-bol to start even though it will make me gain weight my friend told me its an easy way to get strong and then follow it with some winstrol or finaplex to get me more lean.

    Can anyone tell me if this is a dumb idea or any other ideas?

    thanks for all replies.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Thumbs down

    C'mon dude...if this isnt a joke, do some reading before you even consider taking that route.........the search button is your friend.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    what is with the sudden influx of newbies and all these posts lately. its getting worse each day. use the search button mate.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by peaker
    what is with the sudden influx of newbies and all these dumbass posts lately. its getting worse each day.

    I have no clue, but youre right....


  5. #5
    Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin but what should i search for, first cycles for chunky kids that dont know what there doin? I did read what some of them do to you but i dont know what I'm lookin for when i search.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Hey man, just click on the search button and type in dbol, you should see plenty posts about it. If I were you I wouldn't take dbol if you are already a "chunky" kid, since you will retain a lot of water. Also, I wouldn't take dbol for a 1st cycle choice, try some EQ or deca with some test. Also, the MORE important thing to do is something called exercise. Try running a little and watching what kind of foods you eat, don't eat too much junk food.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DaMan22
    I have been lifting for a few months and dont see the results that i would really like to, I am 5'11" 200lbs. I am kinda chunky and want to get some strength but not get too much weight gain.

    I was thinking of taking D-bol to start even though it will make me gain weight my friend told me its an easy way to get strong and then follow it with some winstrol or finaplex to get me more lean.

    Can anyone tell me if this is a dumb idea or any other ideas?

    thanks for all replies.
    "Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin but what should i search for, first cycles for chunky kids that dont know what there doin? I did read what some of them do to you but i dont know what I'm lookin for when i search."

    Dude, you are at least a year away from being ready to even start thinking about taking anything.

    Here's a bet I would make....

    Your diet is total sh! have no real structure to your drink sleep when you can....etc.

    If your training and not getting results then something other than not using gear is the problem.....believe that!

    Learn to train to to to gain...and you will's basic biology..


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by DaMan22
    Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin but what should i search for, first cycles for chunky kids that dont know what there doin? I did read what some of them do to you but i dont know what I'm lookin for when i search.
    how about looking at "dbol only cycles" and see how many guys say that it should never be down alone.

    then "dbol bloat" and see how if you are already carrying a high amount of body fat, you will look much worse with all the water gained from the dbol with little to no muscle gain.

    "dbol duration" used only to kick start a cycle for the first 4 or so weeks never longer... or with some people bridging between cycles.

    "winny dosage, injection frequency" when to take how much and frequency of injections.

    "fina cycles" - serve side effects, not for newbies, everyday injections, anti e's such as bromo for prog. estro effects.

    "gyno and anti estrogens"- what it is, why it occurs and how to combat it.

    "Post cycle therapy" - how to keep your gains, dosage/drugs used, why you need to take clomid/nolva after you cycle and when.

    "cycling without test" - why many guys say it should not be done with certain drugs.

    "test" - various types of esters, half lives, dosages, side effects, anti e's etc.

    there is something to get you started, there is plenty on this board, the problem is if you dont know what to search for then you are in the position where you have to stick around read recent posts read replies and start to get a fell about how everything comes together, that along with the search button will get you to a point where you can learn more.
    Last edited by peaker; 01-19-2004 at 11:13 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by the dent depot
    "Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin but what should i search for, first cycles for chunky kids that dont know what there doin? I did read what some of them do to you but i dont know what I'm lookin for when i search."

    Dude, you are at least a year away from being ready to even start thinking about taking anything.

    Here's a bet I would make....

    Your diet is total sh! have no real structure to your drink sleep when you can....etc.

    If your training and not getting results then something other than not using gear is the problem.....believe that!

    Learn to train to to to gain...and you will's basic biology..


    I lost 30 pounds since August I eat everything that is good for me, alot of grilled chicken salads and vegetables. I drink very often too the only problem is that I basically only drink WATER(at least a gallon a day). didnt say i had no results just sick of skinny little ****s who juice all the time gettin bigger than me, I said Chunky not FAT. (SO I guess you should never go to a casino)

  10. #10


    thanks for real replys, I know i dont know what i'm doin but all the dudes at the gym take D-bol they all say it works figured I would ask.

  11. #11

    Liftin for a few months

    [I lifted for over a year before and was in good pretty good shape, I stopped for almost a year did nothing gained weight and now I have been back FOR A FEW MONTHS.

    Not sayin I have the best routine going but I think 30lbs of fat loss and muscle gain in around 4 months isn't too bad.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    mate train hard, eat good, obviously you are doing something right if you are dropping body fat so keep it up. train clean mate, dont worry about the other guys, build a solid foundation and then when you are ready worry about AS. good luck

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DaMan22
    Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin but what should i search for, first cycles for chunky kids that dont know what there doin? I did read what some of them do to you but i dont know what I'm lookin for when i search.
    you should read the drug profile of anything you consider taking at AR mainpage. it will tell you what effects it will have on you etc. if you read up on dbol i garuntee you wont wanna be taking it if your concerned with being chunky. how long have you been training and what is your workout like? what about diet? if you havent been training long i would say your unsatisfactory gains are due to bad workout and diet. ive found your best gains come when you just start training then it slows down. youd best look at diet and workout b4 AS. go to the appropriate forums and look into them.
    if you would like pm me your workout and diet and ill havce a look at them for you if your curious. up to you mate.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DaMan22
    thanks for real replys, I know i dont know what i'm doin but all the dudes at the gym take D-bol they all say it works figured I would ask.

    The dudes at the gym would help you get a better diet and I doubt they would all say they are on Dbol. What results do you expect in three months anyway. With that kind of impatience, you are not going to get anywhere. Search around in the WORKING OUT SECTION. Not in the steroid section. Search around in the diet section also.

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