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Thread: I'm tired of it, please read!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    in the gym

    I'm tired of it, please read!

    This is my first post in the AAS Questions in a long time, and its because i'm upset at the direction this section of the board is going.

    I have read too many posts with some of the dumbest stuff ever written as far as cycling is concerned. Whether they are jokes or these people are serious, it takes away from legitmacy of the board. This is one of the reasons i have been frequenting other boards. I hardly see the Vets posting in here anymore as well, there are a few, but far in between.

    I may not be the most valued member of this board, but this is the first AAS board i signed up for and i consider it home. I was about a newbie as it got as far as questions, but i had a few years of training and dieting under my belt. I got plenty of help from great people on the board and now i know so much more than i ever thought i would need to know about AAS.

    This section of the board has serious content and should be treated as so. These kids and other informed users could seriously hurt themselves with the ideas that they are presenting. The search button is there for a reason guys, use it. Any question you could ever dream of about AAS can start to be answered by using it.

    We can help you all you want, but you need to post stats and goals.

    Present us with a cycle your interested in.

    Don't be upset if we think your too young or your cycle is wrong, etc.

    Don't take every response as the best answer, research any respnse you get about your cycle. In the end its you who is putting these chemicals in your body via syringe i might add.

    Take the posibility of side effects seriously as they are side effects for a reason, THEY HAPPENED TO SOMEONE!

    Yes you do need an Anit-e, don't know what that is, use the search button

    Your diet will determine your gains, if you can't stay on a strict diet your not ready for AAS

    You never really "feel" the test just kick in and all of a sudden your superman, it comes in gradually

    AAS is a supplement that puts your body in the optimum condition to grow, and you have give your body what it needs to grow, i.e. training, diet, sleep

    I'm done ranting for now. I hope some of you guys read this and think about some of these things before you post. I'm just tired of seeing these post that make AAS seem like a miracle drug or a joke. Just some thoughts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Noone has anything to say on this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Great post bro, the only thing I might disagree with is I actually have been seeing the Vets and Mods Post a lot more.

    Oh and you definitely are a great member!!! Don't sell yourself short!

    Thanks bro,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I agree...i havent posted in a while because there havent been that many good reads on here lately...A few months ago i was glued to this bpard for several hours a day, but now i just skim things and im out...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Good post....... I know I haven't been posting as much but I'm really busy at work and I'm selling one of my houses so I've been doing work there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tmeoe
    This is my first post in the AAS Questions in a long time, and its because i'm upset at the direction this section of the board is going.

    I have read too many posts with some of the dumbest stuff ever written as far as cycling is concerned. Whether they are jokes or these people are serious, it takes away from legitmacy of the board. This is one of the reasons i have been frequenting other boards. I hardly see the Vets posting in here anymore as well, there are a few, but far in between.

    I may not be the most valued member of this board, but this is the first AAS board i signed up for and i consider it home. I was about a newbie as it got as far as questions, but i had a few years of training and dieting under my belt. I got plenty of help from great people on the board and now i know so much more than i ever thought i would need to know about AAS.

    This section of the board has serious content and should be treated as so. These kids and other informed users could seriously hurt themselves with the ideas that they are presenting. The search button is there for a reason guys, use it. Any question you could ever dream of about AAS can start to be answered by using it.

    We can help you all you want, but you need to post stats and goals.

    Present us with a cycle your interested in.

    Don't be upset if we think your too young or your cycle is wrong, etc.

    Don't take every response as the best answer, research any respnse you get about your cycle. In the end its you who is putting these chemicals in your body via syringe i might add.

    Take the posibility of side effects seriously as they are side effects for a reason, THEY HAPPENED TO SOMEONE!

    Yes you do need an Anit-e, don't know what that is, use the search button

    Your diet will determine your gains, if you can't stay on a strict diet your not ready for AAS

    You never really "feel" the test just kick in and all of a sudden your superman, it comes in gradually

    AAS is a supplement that puts your body in the optimum condition to grow, and you have give your body what it needs to grow, i.e. training, diet, sleep

    I'm done ranting for now. I hope some of you guys read this and think about some of these things before you post. I'm just tired of seeing these post that make AAS seem like a miracle drug or a joke. Just some thoughts.
    yeah i second that but the vets and mods are posting more IMO.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Im sure alot of it has to do with the holidays, the new year, school starting back ect....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nice post

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    When i first joined it wasn't nearly as big as it is now, I agree with you stating there are some pretty lame posts now and again, just as there were years ago.. It seems more frequent cause the word is out this is the best board around, this draws interest from everyone.. In defense to the newbies, I can see alot of these guys take this board serious, and alot of these guys are part timers.. You can tell by their posts, and some just don't know how to put in words what their goals are.. Everyone has their own reasons for jucing.

    As far as the mods/vets/and memebers that can help out when you can i applaud you.. I can't say more positive things, about your patience and effort to try and help these guys out.. I'm not disagreeing to your thread, The best thing a new member can do is SEARCH, after the search if that doesn't answer your question, or you can't understand it for whatever reason post up your question... If you're not fuking around and still no answer to your question PM a mod or a vet to help you out... I've been to other boards and the amount of info cannot be compared to that of this board.. This board is an excellent reference for those who need it..

    Excellent job to all the members who put 100% effort in to answering questions.. i don't think the rep of this board has changed one bit..

    take care

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I only disagree with the vets and mods posting, I find they post alot and they are extremly helpful/knowledgeable on this board

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    tmeoe bro, if you see some one posting BS go right ahead and call him on it. If he has a problem with that PM me I'll make sure he doesn't have a problem. We do not want bad advice give out and if you see it feel free to disagree strongly and theres a little button called report a post. If it is that bad push it bro. We all get a email from that bro.

    Just remember not all things are gonna be agreed upon by everyone. I feel an anti-e such as nolva is helpful for many reasons on a cycle. However there are those who will say just use it if you see gyno signs. I feel strongly that I am right but other feel strongly the other way. I would hope a newbie would be better safe than sorry and use it but thats entirely his choice. This is why we who want a safer experience for everyone need to voice our opinions.

    Just so you know your Valued here bro so don't be going anywhere. I know I can still see that avatar at IBB but I wanna see it here too

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by RON
    tmeoe bro, if you see some one posting BS go right ahead and call him on it. If he has a problem with that PM me I'll make sure he doesn't have a problem. We do not want bad advice give out and if you see it feel free to disagree strongly and theres a little button called report a post. If it is that bad push it bro. We all get a email from that bro.

    Just remember not all things are gonna be agreed upon by everyone. I feel an anti-e such as nolva is helpful for many reasons on a cycle. However there are those who will say just use it if you see gyno signs. I feel strongly that I am right but other feel strongly the other way. I would hope a newbie would be better safe than sorry and use it but thats entirely his choice. This is why we who want a safer experience for everyone need to voice our opinions.

    Just so you know your Valued here bro so don't be going anywhere. I know I can still see that avatar at IBB but I wanna see it here too

    Spoken from a true bro, even though he wears a dress!!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    I too feel that there is a lot of BS recently. I think Ill try what Ron said, call them out instead of igoring it. I might give that a try


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Agree, but if you guys would hear the questions I get in my country from the so called "beach-bodybuilders", you would definitely get a stroke! They are even more ignorant than what we see here every single day.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    in the gym
    I guess you bros are right about the mods and vets posting, its just that posts i had read up to posting this i didn't see too many.

    I don't plan on going anywhere, thats why i would like to see a change in this section of the board. There is so much information on here, that everyone can learn something new.

    Glad to see i have some support here. Thanks

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I am not to far removed from being a newbie. I know i was one of those annoying people who prolly asked dumb question's when i first began, but i quickly did learn. Let us NOT forget that we are here to help one another. I am not saying that we not helping, cause i would have been lost with out you guys, TRUST ME. When i did sign up for this board, i do not remember reading any thing about how to use the search button. Maybe as u sign up and read the disclaimer there should be some thing written about the "proper way to use the search feature". I am not sure that this would work, just a thought though.
    Peace i am out Fuller

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Nice post bro

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    NYS, US
    Good post, unfortunately as the population of this board grows so will the dumb and idiotic posts. Basically a reflection of our society as a whole. I also belong to a board that charges a membership fee. Seems to weed out the wannabe's and retards.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I agree that the search button needs to be utilized more by the newbies, but everyone has to start somewhere. You have to forgive a stupid question or two for someones first few posts. I've not seen many repeat posts from the same person that are really dumb. Also, they may post a question that they have researched to get different opinions from the newer members that are around, and maybe look for updated information. Things may have changed since the old post was made. You can't expect a newbie to know these things.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    We are always going to have Newbies. We are always going to have people who don't use the search button. I've come to that reality. I just think we've all been there before, and sometimes they need a push in the right direction. It's human nature for someone to ask questions rather than do there own research. To us the questions seem dumb, but to someone who is new, it doesn't.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I can't believe I am going to say this...But I agree with Ron...

    wow dosen't that look weird.

    tmeoe, I have been here for just a few months and I agree with you that some times there are questions that are asked in stupidity. And yes it is frustrating...what is un fair is the Bro's who know have to weed out all of the B.s. just to get to the legit questions.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I think it seems to run in groups. For two weeks, all the newbie joke questions arise, Next two weeks all the sex talk comes up, After that, all the joke flaming on members goes on. It just runs in streaks. It seems like there are certain time periods that we are hit with more newcomers all at once than at other times. Just gotta push through it.

    The good thing is, the jokester guys usually post two or three joke pranks and then they ACTUALLY do get hooked and start to read even when they didnt intend to.

  23. #23
    Swellin Guest
    Good post!

    I agree with pretty much everyone here. Specifically, Ron and Bermich. The only thing I would add to Ron's post is to them on it, but not in a way as to make them defensive and refuse to listen.
    As for what Bermich really does run in cycles, but I think it is more of a macro cycle that I see here. Right now, we are seeing an increase in Newbie questions....most stem from the New Years' resolutions or from the Spring Break body builders.
    Sometimes, I find it difficult to politely disagree after answering the same stupid question from somebody new...everyday for two weeks. It tends to wear on you.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    I think the board is in great working order and anyone who puts in half an effort to use the search button is going to be able to weed out the good vs. bad advice.

    No one can stop an idiot from messing themselves up but everyone here that is a quality member sure goes out of thier way to steer the younger people and novices in the right direction. The whole thing is like EBAY do your research on the selller(member) before you buy(feel comfortable) accepting thier product (advice). Get many opinions and read.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    great post, exactly how i have been feeling for awhile now

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    On the End of a Needle
    im just a newbie and have already seen some bs,i can only imagine what the vets and moderators have saw

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2003
    right here
    Good post, I hate trying to weed out the joke posts with the serious ones.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    It’s much less stupidity as it is laziness.

    Many come here in search for us dish out answers and cycles on platters. People want an already put together combo meal, their own personal roid happy meal.

    A lot can be learned simply from reading random posts, and doing searches for specific questions. If any newbie takes the time to read my response to this thread please read first, and get all the basics out of the way. The questions you ask after that will be much more pleasantly answered.


  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I also have to say I have been seeing mods and vets post more too, The board seems fine to me it goes through a cycle where we have a lot of dumb newbie questions and then none at all and repeats over and over again.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I think everyone makes one of these threads at least one on AR. I know i made one like 2 months ago when I got fed up.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    In a House

    On this board I would have to disagree on that old saying..........

    I have been on the boards for a couple of months and I have just searched, searched, searched, searched.............etc..............

    I think that all new members should read before they post, I agree with tmeoe recently a lot of newbie members are posting some ridiculous posts!!!

    As far as the MODS and VETS these guys have plenty of knowledge that are grateful to share with us thanks!!!!!



  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Very true stea!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by LightWeightBaby
    I think everyone makes one of these threads at least one on AR. I know i made one like 2 months ago when I got fed up.
    lol...I know I made one a while back!

    Use the search button new guys!


  34. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by LightWeightBaby
    I think everyone makes one of these threads at least one on AR. I know i made one like 2 months ago when I got fed up.
    hhhhhmmmm. I seem to recall, but for the wrong reason.

    Anyway, tmeoe, I will agree with you 100% on the post with the exception of the vets/mods. I also get sick and tired of the lame ass questions. I searched drug profiles for a year before I came here so I kinda had a background. However, it seems half of the posts that come on here are repetative questions from new members. Now, we can't stop that, we can only help them. You see, we get older, but the crowd just keeps getting younger and younger. I believe, when we first started posting here, there were the same amount of dumb questions but we didn't notice, only the senior and older members did. That will happen as the influx of new members joining is on the rise and the very reason is because this is the best board for information period. I realize you are frustrated with the stupid questions, and I notice them more often now than I did before, but you have to realize, with a board this big, there will be those questions and it is our responsibility as educated users to help these guys out. I understand the rant but it is part of a big board like this. Lets not think about this negatively, but as a positive so there will be less nieve users out there screwing themselves up. Also, it is good to frequent other boards to get a second opinion. Some one mentioned earlier that not every post is right. I agree totally and take my questions to all of the boards I frequent. Good post tmeoe, but, lets keep the ball rolling by helping these guys out.

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