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This is my first post in the AAS Questions in a long time, and its because i'm upset at the direction this section of the board is going.
I have read too many posts with some of the dumbest stuff ever written as far as cycling is concerned. Whether they are jokes or these people are serious, it takes away from legitmacy of the board. This is one of the reasons i have been frequenting other boards. I hardly see the Vets posting in here anymore as well, there are a few, but far in between.
I may not be the most valued member of this board, but this is the first AAS board i signed up for and i consider it home. I was about a newbie as it got as far as questions, but i had a few years of training and dieting under my belt. I got plenty of help from great people on the board and now i know so much more than i ever thought i would need to know about AAS.
This section of the board has serious content and should be treated as so. These kids and other informed users could seriously hurt themselves with the ideas that they are presenting. The search button is there for a reason guys, use it. Any question you could ever dream of about AAS can start to be answered by using it.
We can help you all you want, but you need to post stats and goals.
Present us with a cycle your interested in.
Don't be upset if we think your too young or your cycle is wrong, etc.
Don't take every response as the best answer, research any respnse you get about your cycle. In the end its you who is putting these chemicals in your body via syringe i might add.
Take the posibility of side effects seriously as they are side effects for a reason, THEY HAPPENED TO SOMEONE!
Yes you do need an Anit-e, don't know what that is, use the search button
Your diet will determine your gains, if you can't stay on a strict diet your not ready for AAS
You never really "feel" the test just kick in and all of a sudden your superman, it comes in gradually
AAS is a supplement that puts your body in the optimum condition to grow, and you have give your body what it needs to grow, i.e. training, diet, sleep
I'm done ranting for now. I hope some of you guys read this and think about some of these things before you post. I'm just tired of seeing these post that make AAS seem like a miracle drug or a joke. Just some thoughts.