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Thread: Deca Detection in Blood test.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Miami, FL

    Question Deca Detection in Blood test.

    Quick question, I know that Deca stays in your body for 18 months. But I wanted to know if the amount of dosages can either decrease or increase that. I took three shots, of 200 mg each. How long will this be in a blood work test, will it come out at all? Thanks

  2. #2
    Mugs Guest
    That will have little effecton how long it will stay in the system. The drug will be present for at least 12 months. A regular drug test given usually does not test for steroids unless specifically tested for. Jobs usually dont test for this unless it is a common occurance with the position.. ex: trainer, coach, police officer, etc

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