to my elite bro's
i will be off the boards for a while, i go into surgery for my back tomorrow but i wanted to give everyone a little advise...
its fine to talk about what gear does what or how does this cyle look but for YOUR own good quit fucking posting on where you hide your shit, that you are going to mexico, waiting on an order ect ect are giving out way too much info and it blows my mind when i read some of the shit you guys post....did you forget aas is illegal unless you are perscribed these drugs by your doctor?? which would leave you to what i take and that is test and gh....aas is no different than cocaine or any other street drug and if you dont think this and other boards are being monitored you better think again...and i dont give a shit where this site is hosted at...your info can be obtained so easy...
so in closing please use your head and think about what i just said, i dont want to see you guys get in any trouble ..oh and say a prayer for me that the doctor dosent leaave any of his tools in my back when he opens me up
stay healthy all hope to see you soon..