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  1. #1
    GLASSVOICE is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2001

    Question Test As Replacement Therapy

    I was reading a thread abouit Clomid and Test and brought me to something I have been wondering for a while.

    What if I would like to stay on Test Cyp for a prolonged time (let's say a year) but only with a suficient amount. An amount that will not interfere with you natural test production.

    How much test would that be?

    Can that be done?

    would it hurt your recovery after a cycle with Deca & D-Bol or just help keep the gains?

    Please help me on this one. I am curious.


  2. #2
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Test Dosages

    I concur with Jetskidude's well-informed response, but would comment on the dosages . . . For adult males with hypogonadism or low test levels, there is flexibility in the dosage. Both enanthate and cyp are recommended at 50-200 mgs. 2 to 4 times a month, meanng that you can therapeutically use as much as 800 mg. per month. The general guidelines these days are to inject 200 mg. every two weeks, although the American College of Endocrinology's clinical guidelines suggest splitting the shots into weekly injections to avoid the peak-and-valley effects of test. Thus, 100 mg. weekly is a comon dosage.

    Jetskidude's suggestion that you see a urologist is creative - I usually recommend an endocrinologist, but a urologist visit may avoid going into major checks of other endo issues (like glucose, etc.). In some cases, you will also find that a family physician (general practitioner) will prescribe test, especially if you are a pro-active patient that indicates enough knowledge.

    Most doctors will, indeed, recommend either Androgel or the Androderm/Testoderm patches these days, but both are much more expensive than injectable test (either enth or cyp). Remember, when describing why you do not want to use patches, stress that you have heard about their skin irritation effects (for the dermal version) or that you - seriously - don't want to shave your balls and use a blow dryer to apply the patch (for the scrotal version).

    By the way, nice to see you back, Glass. How's the voice? (Have all those AS turned you from a lyric baritone into a basso profundo yet?)
    Last edited by TNT; 01-15-2002 at 07:06 PM.

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