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Thread: clenbuterol

  1. #1


    my wife was taking zenidrine and lost alot of weight 20lbs.she looks great and decided to take some clen to tone it up and lose a few more lbs.shes been taking 3 aday for a week and shes put this normal for clen?my understanding was that they make you lose weight. any help is appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i've never seen anyone put on weigth w/ it

    it shreds the shit out of me.all that talk about it being anabolic is a bunch of crap.only done studies on chickens where that was cited.i've seen people gain a few lbs after abouy two months off all stimulants since their metabolism slows a little, but gaining 3 lbs...i've never heard of it.was she menstruating durign the week of the weight gain?could be a little water retention from that.wish i could help you more.

  3. #3
    i dont get it either.anyone else?

  4. #4
    The Iron Game Guest
    what clen is she taking? what is her diet like, how is she taking them? also some calcium and potassium would be a good added benefit if she isnt already

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west
    I had a girlfriend that went through a similar experience. Which is one of the reasons that I always suggest not switching to ECA to take a two week break from the clen (for those that suggest 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off). I got cut using just 3-4 clen a day, and the weight started to come off immediatly for me. She was up to 5 clen a day (I weighed 255, she was 110), did aerobics, and wouldn't budge. The problem was that she was taking ephedrine (up to 7 a day!!!) before I gave her the clen. Ephedrine and clen hit the same receptors, so the clen had no effect. BTW, my jaw dropped when she said she was taking 7 ephedrine a day, I can't handle 3.

    If anything, start with the clen next time and stay with it until you are ready to go off it for good, then switch to the ECA. Using ECA instead of clen is just a way to save money. Plus the clen is more anti-catabolic so the muscle will be there to burn the fat.

    At this point, she has to give her receptors a break.

  6. #6
    CYCLEON Guest
    good points juiceon - see my thread on ketotifen for renewing the receptors

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west
    Wow Cycleon, I've picked up more from you in the last three days than I have over the last 8 years from all other sources combined. Thanks again!

    BTW, Is Ketotifen OTC??? Is it expensive?

    My email is [email protected], if required . . .

  8. #8
    CYCLEON Guest
    these boards are great for improving knowlege. keto is available in the US but its not otc - still u can order some from a euro pharm or call an aids clinic> they use it to combat wasting in aids patients - its not too expensive.

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