Originally Posted by
Brotha you look very lean already...I gotta say for never taking gear you look great.
So rather than putting on alot of weight that you would have to strip off again later, i'd say do a stack to build good quality muscle and keep your composition leaner, that way when your ready to diet it will take alot less work...I'm meen by your avatar your like 6 weeks away from competing.
Week 1-12 test prop 50mgs/day or 100mgs/eod
Week 1-10 EQ at 400-600mgs/week
Week 8-12 winny 50mgs/day
post cycle with clomid etc...
Being your first cycle if you can't handle the ED or EOD shots of prop take 500mgs/week os sus or enanthate for the 12 weeks...just start your clomid later like 3 weeks after your last shot