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Thread: What will Clenbuterol do?

  1. #1

    The ULTIMATE Clenbuterol question!!!

    Hey guys.....please tell me EXACTLY what Clenbuterol will do if I take it like the way will below:

    ======================Week 1================================
    day 1: 1 pill
    day 2: 2 pills
    day 3: 3 pills
    day 4: 4 pills
    day 5: 5 pills
    day 6: 6 pills
    day 7: 7 pills
    ======================Week 2================================
    7 a day for the next 7 days
    ================================================== =========


    ======================Week 5================================
    day 1: 1 pill
    day 2: 2 pills
    day 3: 3 pills
    day 4: 4 pills
    day 5: 5 pills
    day 6: 6 pills
    day 7: 7 pills
    ======================Week 6================================
    7 a day for the next 7 days
    ================================================== =========

    What do u guys think my results will be?

    I can see my top 4 abdomen muscles...I wanna lose my love handles and see the rest of my abs. I dont really have that big of love handles anyways. I am 5'11 and 174 lbs. Body fat % is about 12% - 13%.

    What type of cardio should I do for OPTIMAL RESULTS???

    What type of abdominal exercises for my ab's should I do for OPTIMAL RESULTS?

    Guy's I know this post is long as **** and detailed...but if you reply, please answer and comment on ALL my questions....I know some of u guys are genuises on this enlighten me guys! Thanks!!!

    Last edited by amdaman; 01-21-2004 at 04:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Look in the steroid profiles, and you will get an idea of what clen does. Without a very clean diet, and effective cardio program, it won't do anything for you. Diet is way more important that some clen pils if you want to really lose some fat.


  3. #3
    Swellin Guest
    There is absolutely no way to tell you anything about what those doses will do to you.
    Sensitivity to clen depends largely on the individual and the brand used. I was only able to tolerate 4-5 pills a day, while my buddy could take 7 with very low sides.

    On your cardio...that too is very specific to the individual. You need to do cardio that interests you...that is the only way you can stick with it. I refuse to hit the treadmill, but I love to play tennis. Basketball of raquetball are other excellent cardio workouts.

    As for the "optimal results" from exercise, that too depends on your body. What portions of your abs are the most developed?

    Understand that your diet will likely play the biggest role in all of this.

    Have you read the clen handbook in the ed threads?
    You need to understand that you cannot force your body onto a predetermined clen schedule. You need to read the handbook, and then ask any questions you might have about determining the right dosage.

    Good luck.

  4. #4

    my facts

    My cardio usually consisits of 20 minutes at my target heart rate about 150 - 160 per minute. and my diet right now is no fat...or SUPER low maybe 6-9g a day. and no sugar.....lots of carbs are a little bit less than my protein 15% less than protein. My top 4 abs are the most developed...the lower ones are just hidden by fat...Does that narrow it down?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    Clenbuterol is a very interesting and remarkable compound. It is not a steroid hormone but a beta-2-symphatomimetic. Clenbuterol, above all, has a strong anticatabolic effect, which means it decreases the rate at which protein is reduced in the muscle cell, consequently causing an enlargement of muscle cells. For this reason, numerous athletes use Clenbuterol after steroid treatment to balance the resulting catabolic phase and thus obtain maximum strength and muscle mass. A further aspect of Clenbuterol is its distinct fatburning effect. Clenbuterol burns fat without dieting because it increases the body temperature slightly, forcing the body to burn fat for this process. Due to the higher body temperature Clenbuterol magnifies the effect of anabolic/androgenic steroids taken simultaneously, since the protein processing is increased.

    Athletes usually take 5-7 tablets, 100-140 mcg/day. For women 80-100 mcg/day are usually sufficient, It is important that the athlete begin by taking only one tablet on the first day and then increasing the dosage by one tablet each of the following days until the desired maximum dosage is reached. The compound is usually taken over a period of 8-10 weeks. Since Clenbuterol is not a hormone compound it has no side effects typical of anabolic steroids. For this reason it is also liked by women. Possible side effects of Clenbuterol include restlessness, palpitations, tremor (involuntary trembling of fingers), headache, increased perspiration, insomnia, possible muscle spasms, increased blood pressure, and nausea. Note that these side effects are of a temporary nature and usually subside after 8-10 days, despite continuation of the product.

  6. #6
    come on me out!

  7. #7
    pleazze guys....more replies needed!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Dirty Jersey
    hey bud

    im usin liquid clen, it messed up my running I get out of breath in about ten minutes, becareful with it.

    did u start it yet...let me know if it affected ur running, at all


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by New Guy USMC
    hey bud

    im usin liquid clen, it messed up my running I get out of breath in about ten minutes, becareful with it.

    did u start it yet...let me know if it affected ur running, at all


    hahahaha....**** man....I feel you!!!! I took some of that stuff....and just like...a tablespoon...and my back was PROFUSELY sweating...crazy stuff! But im gonna do the pills and will let u know!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I'd say use as much as you can handle and see what happens. Results will vary on how your body reacts to it.

    I know when I did it I shook like mohamed ali and had plenty of times where I thought I would faint.

  11. #11
    Anyone else have any input on this topic right here with some REAL experience???? Feel free to add you guys!!!


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