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Thread: help im bleeding, desperate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    lake elsinore,CA

    Unhappy help im bleeding, desperate

    hey guys i need to ask a question about some bleeding out of the rectom im taking 40mg of d-bols a day and im not sure if its the cause i dont know if its a scab from ****ting so much or if its inside of me please lend all the info you guys have thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Is it red blood or brown blood?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by nevaenuf
    Is it red blood or brown blood?
    My exact question too.

    If it's red then it's from the rectum. If it's black/brown then it's from the stomach...if that's the case I would see a Dr ASAP!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Go to the emergency room!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    i agree with palme.. it is prob not serious but u'd beast make sure its not

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Dont take any chances with bleeding from the rectum bro...go to a doc right away. I used to get bleeding and it turned out to be a stomach problem. Just get it checked out and I hope everything is ok.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Had the same thing happen to me, some much red blood freaked me out so badly, there was also these wierd looking spore things on my crap.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by SGFuryZ
    Hey guys, just wanna lend you my own personal experience. If you're bleeding from the stomach, your health is in danger, HOWEVER, you don't need to see a doctor. This is actually a problem you can remedy yourself. The first time this happened to me, I didn't know what the problem was until I vomitted two stomach-fulls of blood and could have died if I hadn't made it to the emergency room (I blacked out there only minutes after driving myself...). I was in intensive care for 24 hours, no food, only crushed ice to eat, with a tube running down my nose/throat into my stomach to suck out the blood and control the bleeding. I spent 36 hours in the hospital before I was finally released.

    These days, I don't have health insurance, so I'm screwed if something like that happened again. I did some research, and ended up finding that this problem, if caught early enough, can be remedied by yourself, for less than $1. It is by no means an enjoyable, method, but an effective method, nonetheless. At the first signs of stomach bleeding (vomitting blood or black, tar-like stool), go to the grocery store and pick up some powdered Red Cayenne Pepper. Mix 1 tablespoon with 8 oz of water, as warm as you can stand it. Stir it up good, then drink it down as fast as you can (it's nasty stuff!!!) In less than a minute, you will have controlled the bleeding and solved your problem for less than $1. If, however, the symptoms persist (because the tears were signifigantly large), repeat until symptoms disappear. Also, this is most effective on an empty stomach. I've used this method in two different instances, and both times the bleeding was stopepd. If you guys would like to read up more on the how's and the why's of this method, here's an educational link...
    If that sh!t really works thats great but imo you dont take chances when it comes to your health and if you bleed internaly you go to the emergency room straight away! It´s nothing to be embaressed about, they see it alot.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    I don't know to what extreme this is good for, and for something this serious, I'm not about to speculate. However, my mom is an Herb Freak, and has been for many years, and I have actually seen her use this for the exact same thing. So ther is SOME truth to far you can push it using this method, is COMPLETELY unknown by me, so IMO, medical attention is still the obvious best bet...but this Cayenne thing should not be blown off completely.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    so what is it that actually causes this problem?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    this problem can occur from so much stress on the livers and kidneys that you get blood in your stool. DSA did you notice extremely painful back pumps that you had to sit down they hurt so bad, I felt this the week I haad blood in my stool. increase your water intake bc your liver and kidney go through a lot of stress when you use dbol.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I think you guys are over reacting. I agree that if the blood is brown or black it could be internal bleeding or maybe even an ulser and then medical attention would be nessisary, but he is saying that he is bleeding and I take that to mean that he is seeing red blood which is probobly caused by too many bowel movements or hemroids and if that is the case then there is no reason to see a doc.
    Last edited by nevaenuf; 01-24-2004 at 06:14 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by nevaenuf
    I think you guys are over reacting. I agree that if the blood is brown or black it could be internal bleeding or maybe even an ulser and then medical attention would be nessisary, but he is saying that he is bleeding and I take that to mean that he is seeing red blood which is probobly caused by too many bowel movements or hemroids and if that is the case then there is no reason to see a doc.
    I agree 1000% there,it's hemroids of it's red...........had that happen at least a 100 times in my life........way to much over reaction here.....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by LightWeightBaby
    Had the same thing happen to me, some much red blood freaked me out so badly, there was also these wierd looking spore things on my crap.
    I like the part about the spores.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    lake elsinore,CA
    hey guys, the blood was red and i didnt even **** i thaught i had to crap but instead i just pissed and when i got up i saw blood in the toilet. iam taking 40 mg of ttokyo lab d-bols i picked up in nogalas and results are amazing but just a little worried about the blood. Thanks all you guys for you support you guys are the only ones who understand what we all go through to get big. thanks again. DSA

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    I agree 1000% there,it's hemroids of it's red...........had that happen at least a 100 times in my life........way to much over reaction here.....

    I disagree with it and i think he should see a doctor depending on how much he is bleeding if its a lot then he should go but if its not that much then he should try that herbal stuff and discontinue his use of dbol (which imo he should have already) im sure he'd know if it was hemroids or sumthing like that but it could be entirely not related to use of AS and it could be sumthing as serious as colon cancer but i could be entirely wrong and may jus be sumthin else

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    Nothing I hate worse than bleeding from the O-Ring...scary stuff!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Diahrrea can cause some bleeding too, some ASS especially orals can cause stomach distress e.g diahrrea, also if you are taking any antibiotics, not enough fluids(water mainly0 and fiber. All of these can cause just blood spots, but if you are leaking bleeding bro, GO to THE ER!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    spores and more

    Quote Originally Posted by bedrock
    I like the part about the spores.
    you're sick man

    how do you tell brown blood from brown stoolage? ph strip?
    .............just kidding, of course you have to taste it, but don't eat the spores

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    i wouldn't chance it...bright red blood could mean chron's disease(sp), haemorrhoids, and so on. neither of which can be remedied by ingesting pepper.

    seek medical attention.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    saying that this was from the dbol, being the toxicity in the liver....could taking milk thistle have helped this??? just a thought....

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I know all of you guys are trying to help, but there could be numerous reasons for dsa's problem. It could be something as simple as hemorrhoids}

    or it could be something worse. Not trying to scare you, but be smart about it. Chances are, that it is something as simple as hemorrhoids. But do you know for sure? Do you have any significant medical history, family history of any related disorders? What about other medications you may be taking? (AAS can increase chance for bleeds by inhibiting certain clotting factors). Nobody here can tell you exactly what is happening NOR how to remedy it. Sure we can offer advice and share experiences, but it's not our place to diagnose or tell you that you should try this or that and it will be the cure. We can make recommendations, but that is all they are....recommendations. Do not ever take for granted any medical condition that could possibly cause you harm. I know nobody here (at least I hope not) would willingly give you advice which could harm you, and I am not saying anybody did. Not all rectal/GI bleeding is caused from the same thing. Unless you know for sure, you know what you need to do. Use your good judgement when it comes to your health. I could ask you what other signs/symptoms you are experiencing, but there is no way anybody can tell you what is going on and why you are bleeding, unless you positively know for yourself or you are seen by someone (physically) who is qualified. Talking to someone over the internet is fine, but be careful what you do with the advice. I am not saying you need to drop everything and go into the ER/Dr's, but I encourage you to do some of your own researching and go from there. There are good sites with good information, but again, be wise what you do with this information. Be sure the site is backed up by qualified people, and not just someone who is stating things based on heresay. Should you choose to play the "wait and watch" game is up to you. Don't anybody take offense to this reply because it is not directed at anyone specifically. This is why when anybody offers advice, they should always state that it was done so based upon personal experience and never based as a "I know exactly what is wrong with you because I had the same problem, and here is what you do" statement. Either way, good luck and just be smart about your decisions.
    Last edited by ichabodcrane; 01-26-2004 at 02:27 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    lake elsinore,CA
    thanks again for all your info guys i wish i had more friends like you . Anyway im not going to jump to conclusions just yet but when i saw the blood i went through the roof i will however try the herbs and see if they work. I think its just that i havnt ben drinking enough water lately so im drinking lots more than i used to.if it happens again then i will for sure go to the doctors. Thanks again DSA

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In the lab


    The only difference between the average joe and a doctor is KNOWLEDGE. Educate yourself, and you can do the same as he/she can.
    Harsh, bro. What about training, and experience, and equipment (like you said), and colleagues for second opinions, and access to professional resources.... etc. etc. etc. Not trying to bash but doctors get **** on a lot these days... and most of the doctors I know are decent sorts.. the real problem in america is health insurance and the excess of frivolous lawsuits against md's.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    lake elsinore,CA
    hey guys i was scared for the past few days to take a crap and finally i did and everything went well no bleeding nothing.Istopped my cycle but it took a lot of thaught because where i live and the cituation im in its really hard for me to come across AAS and recently i got screwed for $480.00 worth of AAS so now its really hard for me to trust anyone to get me AAS and if i find this asshole hes going to pay with his life. DSA

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ironlab
    Harsh, bro. What about training, and experience, and equipment (like you said), and colleagues for second opinions, and access to professional resources.... etc. etc. etc. Not trying to bash but doctors get **** on a lot these days... and most of the doctors I know are decent sorts.. the real problem in america is health insurance and the excess of frivolous lawsuits against md's.
    Wow!! I guess I should have skipped Medical School, Surgical Residency, and a Fellowship..SG, I would almost take offense to your statement if I thought it was an actual slam on the medical community..There is so much more that goes into making a proper diagnosis and subsequent treatment then you see on television..No amount of time on WebMD can give you the diagnostic skills and problem solving that school and on the job training provides..

    So, with that said, if you continue showing blood in your stool, see a Doctor unless you can abslotuely say it is from hemorrhoids!!

    Doc M

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by dsa
    hey guys i was scared for the past few days to take a crap and finally i did and everything went well no bleeding nothing.Istopped my cycle but it took a lot of thaught because where i live and the cituation im in its really hard for me to come across AAS and recently i got screwed for $480.00 worth of AAS so now its really hard for me to trust anyone to get me AAS and if i find this asshole hes going to pay with his life. DSA
    I'm not sure if you mentioned this, but any chance you had diarrhea around that time?

    This happened to me maybe 2 years ago, I saw light red blood on the TP, and it freaked me out. I was a bit nervous and embarrassed back then, but finally went to the doctor. It had only happened 2-3 times in a row, and then stopped, and that's when (after talking to the doctor as well) realized it was from the diarrhea I was having. After it stopped, so did the blood. Could be similar to that, unless you didn't have diarrhea

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Northern Hemisphere
    Way too many dactors and not enough attorneys....... sarcasm is a beautiful thing

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by kdawg21
    Way too many dactors and not enough attorneys....... sarcasm is a beautiful thing

    When people are in this cases, none of you should give medical advice but your stories can differ. Internal bleeding can be caused by my reasons. Go check a doctor now regardless, your health is at risk.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    I agree its hemroids. Unfortunately training like we do on AAS we get em. Dont wipe your butt so hard either. I got hemroids so bad and bleed that I got those wipes you can buy. Fixed the problem. You induce hemroids by wiping to hard on the nerves after you take a dump. They are supposed to retract but hang out after a serious Funny as that sounds its what happends. Drinking a lot of protein shakes does it. You have fluid bowel movements from drinking shakes instead of solid.
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    I agree 1000% there,it's hemroids of it's red...........had that happen at least a 100 times in my life........way to much over reaction here.....

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Wow!!! I'm definitely tackling this one when I return home from the hospital rounds tonight..

    Doc M

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Detroit Area///Lebanon
    **** i've got some crazy back pumps and now this worries me....

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M
    Wow!! I guess I should have skipped Medical School, Surgical Residency, and a Fellowship..SG, I would almost take offense to your statement if I thought it was an actual slam on the medical community..There is so much more that goes into making a proper diagnosis and subsequent treatment then you see on television..No amount of time on WebMD can give you the diagnostic skills and problem solving that school and on the job training provides..

    So, with that said, if you continue showing blood in your stool, see a Doctor unless you can abslotuely say it is from hemorrhoids!!

    Doc M
    Aah Dang it Doc! Sure go ahead, pop my whole bubble, see if I care.
    I hope you didn't mean what you said about the WebMD thing, cuz I'm almost done! I only have like 212 more pages to go...and I was headed down to the local Hospital to start my internship (that is what they call it right?)
    Man, you really know how to mess up a guys Dreams.....Do you realize how much dedication it takes to do what I did??... Dude, I'm on Dial Up!
    I don't know what else I'm supposed to do Doc...WebMD was my last hope Bro....I tried reading all those Medical Articles at the Doctors office's, but they kept runnin' me out when they found out I didn't really have an appointment?
    Well, shoot, I didn't want to have to do this, but it looks like I'm gonna have to take a step back and just be a Rocket Scientist

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by SGFuryZ
    If dsa is in fact bleeding internally, I suggest he try the "cayenne pepper" cocktail or some capsicum gelcaps. If he continued to vomit blood, or if he still had black, tarry stools after 24 hours, I suggest he then see a doctor. I had three LARGE tears in my stomach when I wound up in the hospital, and it wasn't until 72 hours later that my condition actually became serious. He's not going to lose a significant amount of blood in 24 hours. Many may disagree with my suggestions, but I have experienced this first-hand. How many of you who are giving advice can say the same?

    BTW, just some advice to anyone who may fear they're bleeding internally. You should be concerned if you quickly lose your appetite. That's because your stomach is full of blood. If you haven't vomitted yet, and are still unsure, just induce yourself to vomit. If there is ANY bright, red liquid in there, I suggest first trying the "cayenne pepper" method, before seeking medical attention. If you literally vomit a stomachful of blood, (it's scary, trust me...) THEN SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. Even if you manage to seal your wound with the cayenne pepper, you've lost a significant amount of blood, and you may require a transfusion (I had to have 2 pints transfused into me when I was in the emergency room...)
    Okay..This isn't a flame and SG I am not offended by your statements..I will say this though..You are not qualified to advise anyone, other than yourself of what they should do from a medical standpoint..If you want to say something to the effect of this is what happened to me and I tried this and it worked out okay, then that is also fine..But when you are making statements that someone who is showing signs of bloody stool, rectal bleeding, etc, to induce vomiting, take capsicum tabs, stating they won't lose a significant amount of blood in 24 hours is simply ridiculous..A person could bleed out internally from a rupture, tear, aneurysm, etc, in a matter of minutes..Period..

    You are not a Doctor, a medical professional, you are not schooled, trained, or capable at this point to make these types of statements..Maybe it's just one guy that takes your advice and ignores blood in his stool, but that's too many in my opinion..You are very disillusioned about what goes into being a Medical Doctor..

    Am I a little ticked at your statements..Hell Yes!! You are attacking a profession that I not only love, but that I had to make great sacrifices to achieve..You dismiss it as if you could spend 8 hours a day reading articles on the internet and have even a fraction of the knowledge and diagnostic skills that I have..I have seen genius level IQ's fail out of Medical school, not complete internship, or residency..Do you think that's because it is so **** easy?? No, it's because along with the enormous amount of knowledge and skills that must be acquired, you have to be able to look beyond the "rectal bleeding" and know that it is a symptom for a plethora of other life threatening illnesses..

    I'll leave it with this..If you are so well schooled and being a Doctor is such a breeze, then go get a degree in Biology, Chemistry, etc., take the MCAT, apply to a Med School, and then see how very little you really learned from all of those internet articles..

    Now I am really pissed because this ****ing thread made me violate my own policy of not flaming or calling people out..

    Doc M
    Last edited by Doc M; 01-27-2004 at 11:22 PM.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I'm not here to argue with you..I can certainly also say that I have rarely ever been accused of being arrogant either..

    What I will say is this- If you are experiencing internal bleeding in the lungs, stomach, from a gunshot wound, etc., and the thought of taking the advice from a "herbalist" crosses your mind, then you don't value your health and well-being all that much..There is a reason that statements about herbs are not FDA or AMA approved..There is very little to no scientific data to support there claims..

    SG, I realize these are your opinions, but I will not support or endorse any of them when it comes to self medicating for certain ailments..For whatever reason that you are disgruntled with Doctor's, Hospitals, Insurance Companies and the like, one of these days you are going to find yourself in a position that the "arrogant" Doctor makes the difference of you going home or going to the morgue..

    You are an adult and are free to treat yourself how you choose..I will promise you one thing though..It's going to bite you in the ass hard eventually..

    No more commentary from me on this either..We have both made our point of view..

    Doc M

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    THis is the most intense thread I have EVER seen

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I guess I will chime in and give my advice. If I'm bleeding from my rectum or pissing blood and I'm not sure what it's from, common sense tells me to get to a DR. ASAP. Plain and simple. Especially if DBOL is involved and wouldn't 2nd guess anything. Why are we even arguing about this? It's basically a no brainer

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    "I'm not here to argue with you..I can certainly also say that I have rarely ever been accused of being arrogant either.."
    On the contrary. I think Doc showed incredible restraint....And I've yet to find him even remotely "arrogant."
    Now in your defense a bit SG, I can't say I'm unfamiliar with being extremely passionate about something I've been through, and I can't say I haven't left "Some" Doctors offices wondering why he's getting paid so much and I'm not.
    However, I most Certainly can't put Doc in that category.
    But I also know that I've been through things, played it my own way and got away with it, leaving myself thinking I'm pretty Sharp, only to find out later just how D*mn lucky I was and never even knew it!
    I think we'd more than likely all shutter at the statistics of the yearly negative outcomes from self diagnosis.

  39. #39
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by TheSevnthWarrior
    Aah Dang it Doc! Sure go ahead, pop my whole bubble, see if I care.
    I hope you didn't mean what you said about the WebMD thing, cuz I'm almost done! I only have like 212 more pages to go...and I was headed down to the local Hospital to start my internship (that is what they call it right?)
    Man, you really know how to mess up a guys Dreams.....Do you realize how much dedication it takes to do what I did??... Dude, I'm on Dial Up!
    I don't know what else I'm supposed to do Doc...WebMD was my last hope Bro....I tried reading all those Medical Articles at the Doctors office's, but they kept runnin' me out when they found out I didn't really have an appointment?
    Well, shoot, I didn't want to have to do this, but it looks like I'm gonna have to take a step back and just be a Rocket Scientist
    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That took a little time to fabricate...but it was a good laugh.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by swellin
    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That took a little time to fabricate...but it was a good laugh.

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