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  1. #1
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Increased agression

    What do you guy´s do to handle it? This last week ive been told by my gf and family members that ive becomed more agressive. Im not tearing down walls or anything but it seems like i raise my voice more in conversations and just being really angry alot and i havent noticed it myself. I have noticed more violent thoughts doh. Ive never been on a cycle as long as this, i think im on week 16 or 17.

    Should i take up yoga or something?

  2. #2
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    I forgot to say i havent gotten as much sleep as i need the last couple of weeks, d4mn school.

  3. #3
    DocHoliday's Avatar
    DocHoliday is offline Senior Member
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    Yoga, and beat off more during the day....

    on a more serious note, you have to do more of whatever you normally do to calm down, to unwind, unless it's drinking.

    whether it's sewing, cricket, making puzzles, braiding your hair (the things I do) find whatever makes you happy and calm and do more of it until the cycle and PCT is over. You might be more emotional during PCT then too...dunno.


  4. #4
    rangerdudeleads is offline Senior Member
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    What r you running? I dont really think I got aggressive while I was cycling but thats me. I dont think roids make peole have more aggression, I havent ever tried halotest but heard that it does make people get aggressive but I think I have tried just about everything else and have done long cycles and never had a problem. You may need to have some Smoke you some bud it may help but other than that I dont


    QUOTE=palme]What do you guy´s do to handle it? This last week ive been told by my gf and family members that ive becomed more agressive. Im not tearing down walls or anything but it seems like i raise my voice more in conversations and just being really angry alot and i havent noticed it myself. I have noticed more violent thoughts doh. Ive never been on a cycle as long as this, i think im on week 16 or 17.

    Should i take up yoga or something?[/QUOTE]

  5. #5
    DocHoliday's Avatar
    DocHoliday is offline Senior Member
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    wow, what I just wrote was hard to read...i'm losing my sense of sense

  6. #6
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    I get pretty much the same way , stupid little things get me all worked up. I just tell myself to let it go, cause if you think about it is it that bad that your getting pissed over it, 99% of the time it's not. My thing is I get it on and off cycles, but I've never had a good temper, you just have to learn to curb it IMO.

  7. #7
    DocHoliday's Avatar
    DocHoliday is offline Senior Member
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    lack of sleep makes EVERYONE edgy, I think it's proven in studies. Studies didnt' use the word edgy, but lack of sleep can lead to irritiblity, restlesness (imagine that), and sleep deprevation used to be used as torcher.


  8. #8
    Zues is offline Associate Member
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    I tend to notice I get a little more edgy when I'm on a cycle. But getting laid takes care of the problem. Also a little bit of pot every once in a while. I usually smoke a little at night, laugh at the tv, eat like a champ, and get the best sleep ever. Pot tends to mellow me out and I just smile and laugh at everyone. Alot better for you than drinking, or other rec drugs. Hell least its natural.

  9. #9
    pumped59 is offline New Member
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    yeah i have noticed an increased lack of tolerance for everyday bs...but i'm with zues...lite up a dubbie..cuz u shouldnt drink on a cycle...and juss chill out...even if its only one night a really does help u calm down and for me it keeps me cool for the next day or two...maybes itsbecuase i dont smoke only once a week..haha.,...but who knows...try and juss relax about stupid stufff and a big help is to try and juss say nothin or as little as possible to the girl or family when it comes to an arguement or sumthin..walk away...i've been there on a cycle and i almost broke her neck...not literally but u get the juss chill out a little lite up a j every once and a while, munchy on sum healthy food, and may the power of juice compel u..haha...that just sounded cool sorry...good luck

  10. #10
    Zues is offline Associate Member
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    Or the other thing I do is just forget about it, then when I'm at the gym I let it all out on the bench press or something. It motivates me to train harder and squeeze out and extra few reps. If your a big dude and you fly off the handle people are gonna look at you like your an idiot and say steroid realted comments about you cause you can;t control your temper. But if you just say f**k it and forget it, it makes you look like the better person. What do you have to prove, you already know you can break the guys neck. Thats why I like to smoke a little herb every once in a while. I won't get mad at you, I'll just laugh right in your face. LOL

  11. #11
    Chapman393's Avatar
    Chapman393 is offline Associate Member
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    I get really edgy when Im on a cycle but find a happy place bro. Yoga well as funny as it may sound it does work if you can get into it. Just find something you like to do that calms your nerves and a little bud will make you chill out alot.

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