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  1. #1
    Timmayman is offline New Member
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    Jan 2004

    Angry test enanthate - HELP!

    Okay, this is my thrid cycle I've done, but the first of T-enan.. the previous two were both simply Sus250 (@ 250 mg / wk) and I was happy with the general quality of the results. However, a trusted friend of mine had a sourcce for some test enan and others so I thought I would give it a try.
    I am going with 200mg every 3 days and I started on the 9th of Jan.
    Its all downhill from here ; my bench has dropped, I have gotten moody (more depressed than anything else), and am getting what appears to be all the negatives - water retention, acne...
    Is this the result of some bad "cooking" or is it i need to go on an anti-estrogen?

    oh yeah, I have done a total of 5 injections now, and on two of them I felt kinda punk the next day..

    Getting pretty **** pissed that I am this far in and have no gains.
    Any advice would help, I'm hoping this isnt some bogus sh*t.

  2. #2
    toolman is offline Banned
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    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Timmayman
    Okay, this is my thrid cycle I've done, but the first of T-enan.. the previous two were both simply Sus250 (@ 250 mg / wk) and I was happy with the general quality of the results. However, a trusted friend of mine had a sourcce for some test enan and others so I thought I would give it a try.
    I am going with 200mg every 3 days and I started on the 9th of Jan.
    Its all downhill from here ; my bench has dropped, I have gotten moody (more depressed than anything else), and am getting what appears to be all the negatives - water retention, acne...
    Is this the result of some bad "cooking" or is it i need to go on an anti-estrogen?

    oh yeah, I have done a total of 5 injections now, and on two of them I felt kinda punk the next day..

    Getting pretty **** pissed that I am this far in and have no gains.
    Any advice would help, I'm hoping this isnt some bogus sh*t.
    Well, to answer one of your questions, you should absolutely be doing anti-e's on any cycle. Just hit a search on gyno and youll find tons of guys that wish they had started anti e's as a preventative rather than treatment.

    You are really too early on to start feeling much so I am not sure what to tell you. Are you confident of the source/gear? I would use sust over home brew any day.

  3. #3
    Timmayman is offline New Member
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Well, to answer one of your questions, you should absolutely be doing anti-e's on any cycle. Just hit a search on gyno and youll find tons of guys that wish they had started anti e's as a preventative rather than treatment.

    You are really too early on to start feeling much so I am not sure what to tell you. Are you confident of the source/gear? I would use sust over home brew any day.
    Thanks Toolman, yes I am comfident of the source. I have already followed up with some Arimadex. Appreciate te help.

  4. #4
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    Like toolman said its too early for you to be feeling effects of enanthate . You are 100% sure its test? I'm afraid I dont really know what to say so ill bump it for more opinions. is it possible that this is in your head? how is your diet?

  5. #5
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    takes at least 4 weeks, for me took almost 5 weeks. Always run an anti-e, you will actually be less moody too. being moody can sometimes be cause by increased estrogen.

  6. #6
    monster.'s Avatar
    monster. is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well it sounds like it's test.. Some guys break out right away some don't.. I don't think you can associate your test levels dropping, cause you are shooting every 3 days which is good.. If you feel the onset of gyno, start the novaldex, but you don't need antiestrogens all the way thru your cycle.. It sounds like its really good sh!t, Jan. 9 is 2 weeks ago, and i'm not surprised its starting to kick in now.. Keep the diet clean, the strength should be kicking in very soon..

    It looks good in my opinion

  7. #7
    Ambulance's Avatar
    Ambulance is offline Member
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    Under your bed.
    Give the test at least 4-5 weeks to kick in, enanthate is a long ester which means it takes a bit of time to kick in compared to the sustanon .

    Run it at 500mg a week split into 2 shots (every 3 days...aka monday and thursday) and you should be good to go if diet is in check and it's legit gear.

    Nolvadex @10mg a day throughout cycle should do the trick.

    Good luck bro.

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