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Thread: My next cycle!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    My next cycle!?

    I gonna do this before summer:

    Week 1 - 10 400mg EQ EW
    Week 1 - 10 500mg enanthate EW (primoteston depot)
    Week 1 - 4 30mg Thai dbol ED
    Week 7 - 10 75mg trenbolone acetate EOD/ or this
    week 7 - 10 75mg trenbolone hexahydrobencylcarbonat E5D

    I`m gonna use HCG combined with clomid/nolvadex when i`m finished, what kind of dosages would you prefer? when shall i start use it?

    What do you think?

    should i change the trenbolone with masteron? just an idea!?

    any other suggestions?
    Last edited by bajas; 01-25-2004 at 04:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    I wouldnt use hcg post cycle bro, it will only slow down your recovery, also which tren hex are you using? body research?

    apart from that cycle looks good bro


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I wouldnt use hcg post cycle bro/ what do you mean? (I`m not that good in english)

    Tren hex from chyso (if i have typed it right), (UG)

    what would you prefer to use, so the reseptors gets back to normal, testosterone level etc!??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    i would say your cycle is not long enough to warrant using hcg at all unless your boys shrink alot during cycle in which case use it in last week for 500iu ed for about 10 days max. i would suggest using clomid post cycle for pct, you can also get many otc products not sure how good they are like tribulus and so on, i always throw them in but cant really say if they work well or not.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    my last cycle was:
    week 1 - 10: 750mg sustanon
    week 1 - 10: 400mg deca

    I`m on clomid therapi (?) now, i`m in my 4th week, but i think my balls arn`t growing! what do you think? Is my testosterone level very low then?

    my sexlife is very good, never had any problems!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    perhaps you have been shut down pretty bad with the deca, different people react in different ways, whats your past experience with deca and test like??? did it happen before?? Usually they will come back in time, someone else might have some more scientific explanation as i am not an expert on endocrine system functionality


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by The Original Jason
    perhaps you have been shut down pretty bad with the deca, different people react in different ways, whats your past experience with deca and test like??? did it happen before?? Usually they will come back in time, someone else might have some more scientific explanation as i am not an expert on endocrine system functionality

    I never had these kind of experience with test/deca before.

    maybe it was to heavy with 750mg?
    thats why i`m only doing 500 on this cycle!

    I`m gonna check my testosterone level with my doctor before next cycle, just to see!

    Should i drop the EQ? if my balls can`t handle with deca?

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