I think i have come up with a plan that will fit me.
im 5 10 1/2
25 years old
218 ilbs
about 16-17 bf
1-10 400 mg test e.
1-2 100mcg liq clen off wks 3-4 on 5-6 off 7-8 on 9-10
1-6 liq t3 off 7,8,9,10
k tablets in hand
plently of water 1.5 to 2 gallons of h20
good diet of 3000 cals plus
200g plus protein
low fat less than 0.5g per body weight
maximum of 200g carbs per day
also i may throw in 10 weeks of d bol 30 mg per day.
pct now in hand, clomid, nolvadex 2 to 3 weeks after cycle
anyone good with this?