Hey everyone i have posted pics of while on cycle and after cycle pics. I was 167lb max... and now i'm 165lb. I've been slackin lately but i'm getting back on track starting today. ANyway from the second pic can you guys let me know if you think i have gyno?... See it doesn't itch or hurt but it does pop out a little bit.... It's puffy. Like if i were to turn sideways you could see my nipple and around the nipple pop out. my left nipple two but it doesn't hurt at all no matter how hard i push back on the nipple, but my right side when i push back on the nipple i feel a little tiny somewhat hard dot. It maybe stings when i push it way back... I'm taking vitex and it really calms down the feeling when i push back on it. What do you guys reccomend? NOlva?... When i get cold though my nipple hardens up and it looks PERFECT but how do i get it to look like that all the time?