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Thread: Gyno?... Or no?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Gyno?... Or no?

    Hey everyone i have posted pics of while on cycle and after cycle pics. I was 167lb max... and now i'm 165lb. I've been slackin lately but i'm getting back on track starting today. ANyway from the second pic can you guys let me know if you think i have gyno?... See it doesn't itch or hurt but it does pop out a little bit.... It's puffy. Like if i were to turn sideways you could see my nipple and around the nipple pop out. my left nipple two but it doesn't hurt at all no matter how hard i push back on the nipple, but my right side when i push back on the nipple i feel a little tiny somewhat hard dot. It maybe stings when i push it way back... I'm taking vitex and it really calms down the feeling when i push back on it. What do you guys reccomend? NOlva?... When i get cold though my nipple hardens up and it looks PERFECT but how do i get it to look like that all the time?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cycle.JPG 
Views:	303 
Size:	25.0 KB 
ID:	27434   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Gno.JPG 
Views:	294 
Size:	5.2 KB 
ID:	27435  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I don;t know much about gyno so i can;t help out there, but about the puffiness mine have been like that since i was a little kid, so i woudn;t worry if they don;t stay hard all the time. If it bothers you too much see what the doc says.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    It looks like you a have a mild case but nothing serious. I am pretty much in the same boat as you with how mine looks, but it was enough for me to schedule surgery.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    What was ur cycle? did you experience any signs of gyno on your cycle, itchy, sensitive tits... did you run novaldex/armidex?... It looks like gyno, but it's hard to tell cause your bf% isn't low enough to make a prediction.. Is that picture recently (the one on the right) has it gotten worse since?.. It doesn't look that bad.. I really can't tell though..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    well i requested pics from the members on other gyno post. To answer your questions my cycle was boldenona, test prop, winstrol (only for 3 weeks because of joint). The two pictures on the right are recent(today) and the picture on the left was like 3 months ago in week 10 of my cycle. while on cycle it didn't itch, and it was NOT sensitive. I just noticed it after the cycle. Didn't bother me... Just when i wear fitted cloths you could somewhat see the puffyness on my nipples

  6. #6
    It doesnt look like gyno to me bro. Just looks like you have a a little bit of puffy nipples which doesnt necessarily mean that it's gyno. You your self said you have been slacking off lately, so maybe its just a little bit of fat. It looks like any average joe's nips to me. IMO

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    my opinion is its just some fat tissue...try to cut up some more and drop your bf a few %'s and see if it may naturally hold fat there...

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