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Thread: little-man-zane-cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Hey bro'sfinall got some real gear... for tose of you i have bugged(you know who you are).... anyhow i picked up 20 amps of sus and 200 dbol. Now this is my first cycle guys so don't go overboard with the mg's .....

    turing 21

    Also what gains...i know this is dumb but it is a comforting Q....should i expect with a good diet if say i did 250 sus and 20mgdbol?

    Thanks bro's
    Big thanks to the bro's who tried to help me out!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I'm starting just about the same cycle ( I throwing in a bit of deca too)

    I think the 20mg/day and 500mg/week is just about right. I'm hoping to get 20#out of the deal. Good luck with it , keep us up to date on your gains. When are you starting it? I'm starting tomorrow (thur)

  3. #3
    if you have 20 amps that will do 500mg for 10 wks
    200 dbol will do 35 mg ed for 4 wks
    so do that if that all you got,
    i cant acually tell you how much weight you will gain,there are alot of factors such as diet,workout regimine,and post cycle theripy,but if all are good you can probably expect to gain a good keepable 15lbs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thanks guys... expecting to start ON FEb 1st depending on when i get my CLomid...

    To those ppl who may have gotten the wrong idea from this post

    Yes i got help from the mods and others...but not to get sources... they will not give them please don't PM me asking for sources....i can help with anything else....also the MODS are there to help.... so is everyone else....but please don't come to the board thinking you will recieve a source... no flames guys...but be reasonable....coming to a new pla-certerce... and coming in shouting you want sources just won't work....for those who i did ask before i understand why you didn't... i don't blame's was self-centered...i do however...for those who are my bro's know what your gonna through when trying to find gear...and TRUST ME when i say stick around get to know so ppl...and understand what your doing..

    ONce you get this ...things will happen...

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