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  1. #1
    halifax is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Frontload vs. normal cycle

    What are the advantages of frontloading test vs gradually increasing it?
    Someone asked me why frontload, and saturate your receptors at an early level, when less is just as good in the beginning?
    So why 750mg and then 500mg….
    Instead of 250mg, then 500mg, etc. and then decrease it again?
    What are your experiences?

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    People don't pyramid in cycles anymore as a general rule. The truth is saturation of receptors occurs almost immediately even at low dosages in a cycle but that is not really a bad thing. The idea behind the frontload is to get a consistant blood level, especially when using a longer ester, in the hopes of minimizing early sides and maximizing all of the cycle time.

  3. #3
    halifax is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002
    Cool that was new for me...
    Usually what I did was to take 250., 250., 500, then 750....and so on (Enanthate ). But I started with 2 weeks of Propionate . It worked OK!
    So lets say if you frontload with 1000 mg enanthate then go for 750 for the next nine weeks, would you need the Propionate in the begining? Because I guess that even if you take 1000 to start with it still takes two-three weeks to fully kick in!

  4. #4
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Frontloading is different from kickstarting. Personally I prefer to use a short ester at the beginning and end and not really concern myself with a frontload. There are some good threads on here about frontloading if you really wish to go that route but it should be planned out better then most people do and not just taking a higher dose the first couple of weeks.

  5. #5
    halifax is offline Junior Member
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    I will do a search, lets see if I find anything.
    So you say, start with Propi the first two-three weeks, plus lets say 750mg of Enanthate . and after two weeks only the 750 mg of Enanthate? then finish of with only two weeks of propi? Then hcg and clomid?
    Whats the reason for the propi at the end?

  6. #6
    RJM03's Avatar
    RJM03 is offline Senior Member
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    The reason for the prop at the end is so you can go straight into PCT rather than waiting 2 weeks for the enanthate ester to breakdown. Prop has a short half life, so the following day PCT can start, thats the benefit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray

    Thumbs up

    "Frontloading is different from kickstarting."
    Thank you.....Man Rickson, make that part right there a Sticky!
    That misunderstanding right there is reaching epidemic proportions.

  8. #8
    halifax is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    thanks guys. Always get fast and good answers here!

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