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Thread: cycle questions

  1. #1
    thriler42 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Smile cycle questions


    i am going to start my second cycle around the second week in Feburary.It will be a tren ,winny,test,cycle, i have heard tren is toxic to the liver ? Cani get everyones op[inoin. In a ballpark figure how much of a strength increase can i expect..i'm 152lbs. and planning on entering a bp competition in june.Is there anything safer with the same results?

    Thanks everyone

  2. #2
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    lets see,tren is VERY toxic to the kidneys,so u dont want stay on it long like 4-5 weeks max i ,drink alot and i mean alot of water,winnie is 17 thats toxic to the liver,so i wouldnt stay on it all that long two,take alot of milk thistle and crannberry seed extract,i cant awnser your other quesion on how much strength your gonna get since it varys from person to person ,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    bp comp?

    Tren is also very hard on your kidneys. Tren/winny are liver toxic, and IMO together shouldn't be used for a long period of time maybe six weeks or so would be good. What are your goals?

    I'd run the test wks 1-8, winny/fina wks 4-10, prop wks 8-10, start clomid.

    Or if you wanted something a little less toxic: (won't burn fat like tren, but other than that it would be pretty comperable - IMO)

    Test 500mg wk 1-11 (prop for last 2 weeks)
    Eq 600mg wk 1-8
    winny 50 mg e/d wk 1-10
    clomid wk 11-12

    Agree with bigN stock up on some milk thistle either way you go. If you do tren/winny get some tyler liver detox or something to that effect.

  4. #4
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2001

    you know tyler!!!

    BP competition.they all consume all much gear as humanly possible and flex as hard as they can on stage til someone's head explodes!the winner is the guy who's head explodes first and is deemed MR. High Blood Pressure.hence BP comp!!

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