Originally Posted by
alright well, I can speak from both sides. On paper, i'll tell you it looks good. Doing deca only. you hear about it from the guys in the gym, your friends, but how much do those guys actually know about anabolics, androgens, hpta testicular axis, protein sysnthesis, atp energy conversion, nitrogen...yada yada yada? Well, I can tell you, if they are recommending deca only, then they don't even know what protein synthesis is much less branch chain amino acids and poly peptides chains and everything about how juice works in creating muslce(not an expert though). Basically, I have done a lot of research and deca looks okay. It shuts down your test production just as test does. However, try coming off a deca only cycle. I have, and it sucked big time. I watched as my hard earned gains went to fat. Sure, some guys do well and there are guys that will do that. Their body just has the natural ability to come back. However, for a majority and myself, their gains will go to ****. A deca only cycle was just one of many mistakes I made as I "grew up". Bottom line, the deal with deca only, some guys can make it through(due to the hpta testicular axis quickly regenerating and producting test) and the majority won't. It shuts you down hard, but hey, what would I know?
First Tren Cycle (blast)