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  1. #1
    alpineslide's Avatar
    alpineslide is offline Junior Member
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    Doc started me on Synthroid

    My endocrinologist started me on 50 MCG of synthroid today.

    50 MCG is my beginning dosage, I'd imagine that it will be adjusted depending on my next blood work. As far as I know the endocrinologist will not be checking any levels other then thyroid.

    Is there anything in particular I need to be concerned with in regards to future AAS cycles or using slin? Also should I discontinue AAS for any period of time prior to getting blood work done to regulate my synthroid dosage ?

  2. #2
    alpineslide's Avatar
    alpineslide is offline Junior Member
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    bump...cause no one has responded yet.

  3. #3
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada - TO
    AAS and GH and Clen all effect your it will alter your tests.

    He will also be testing for T4, T3, Tsh, and rT3.

    50mcg of t4 is awful low, Im surprised he started you so low...When or how far apart are your blood tests.

  4. #4
    alpineslide's Avatar
    alpineslide is offline Junior Member
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    Next test is in 8 weeks...eventually they will be yearly. When you say AAS, Clen , and GH will effect your thyroid... will they alter the levels coming from the actual thyroid gland or the hormone itself after it's in the body. What I'm getting at is eventually nothing will be coming from the actual gland. Everything will be from thyroid supplementation. I'm sure my dosage will be increased in time as my natural gland production continues to crash.
    Last edited by alpineslide; 01-30-2004 at 07:19 PM.

  5. #5
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada - TO
    it will shut down your production...but that must already be happening for you if your doc is prescribing thyroid meds. What brought on these tests....weight gain?

  6. #6
    alpineslide's Avatar
    alpineslide is offline Junior Member
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    ^^^^ I had blood work done post cycle in october. The first test was done 8 weeks after my cycle ended. My primary care doc sent me to an endocrinologist. I really have had no hypothyroid symptoms other then possibly decreased energy levels.

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