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Thread: dbol/deca?

  1. #1


    i'm planning on doing my first cycle...24yrs old...165lbs with 13.2% bodyfat...been seriously busting my ass for 5 yrs...i've pretty much been in a plateau stage for half a yr....'very' little increase in lifts...and i dun seem to be growing very much either...i'm jet set on going on a cycle...after discussing with sum fellow gym mates...i've decided to go on a dbol/deca only cycle...from what i have read n heard, it's a classic n gd for beginners..this is how my cycle will look like

    Week 1-4 dbol 35mg/day
    Week 1-12 deca 500mg/wk

    i'm thinking of running 50mg proviron/day from wk 1 to 10
    i've got all the stuff i need for PCT...clomid hcg nolva...and alittle of clen just in aim in this cycle to to put on mass...feel free to tell anything dat might be useful to my cycle...i was think of tapering my dbol dosage...i've read that it'll be useful in keeping gains...the reason y i'm not including any test is becos i can't get my hands on get back to me guys...i'd really appreciate it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Try harder to get your hands on any kind of test. If you can't: keep looking
    Nah, for real: don't start this cycle unless you get your hands on some good old test. If you get your hands on cyp, enan or sus I'd say you use 500mg/wk. If your choice would be prop I'd say 100mg eod... That should do the job.

  3. #3
    well man...i'm trying to but...but my supplier is gone...n customs r very strict about things that r coming in....i live in bcos of the bird flu n is really tight...i definitely have read some posts...where the person did a dbol/deca cycle n achieved gd results...r u saying that i can't gain/keep any gains from this cycle??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    get the test before you start anything else. you wont regret it. research why for your self..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Oh, you will gain for sure. But the question is whether your gains will be quality ones... I doubt that. The d-bol will cause water retention and the deca will give you the much needed anabolic edge, but it will also shut down your testicular axis and that's where the test comes into play.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    shiiity cycle...research good ones!

  7. #7
    alrite guys...i think i can pull sum strings to get my hands on sum testoviron depot...i think i'll run 500mg/wk

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Gothenburg in Sweden
    Listen to Roidfever.. Use some test..

    Good luck with it bro !

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Listen to the bros here, your cycle looks fine, you just need to add that Test there, and you'll be set.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Armed Forces Europe
    There is nothing wrong with a Deca/D-bol Cycle. However, considering your low body weight, I suggest that it would be better to lower the Deca dosage. It is generally agreed on (at least among adults) that the optimal effect (side effects vs. gains) is reached at 2mg per pound of bodyweight/weekly. Don't go over 400mg/week.
    The classic Deca/D-bol cycle makes for a good muscle-growth cycle, and you are much more likely to keep the gains you make from Deca than those you make from Test. The Deca/D-bol stack has proven to be an effective one a long time ago--at a time when many of those who constantly cry for Test were still soiling their pants. Seriously, it's getting pretty annoying. It seems like I can't even order a beer these days without somebody shouting: "Don't forget to take some Test with that."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Detroit Area///Lebanon
    I had this worry before too Steam. Just toss the test in, and ur cool. Bro, the only way i could get Test was to pay $150 per 10/cc of enanthate. But wtf, i bought it cuz I needed it and knew i wouldnt regret it. Thats just how important it is.

  12. #12
    this means that i'll have to wait for the test and prolong my cycle....but after listening to u guys...i think i'll rather wait then go n do sumthing stupid...thanks for ur help again guys...cheers

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Wobbly
    There is nothing wrong with a Deca/D-bol Cycle. However, considering your low body weight, I suggest that it would be better to lower the Deca dosage. It is generally agreed on (at least among adults) that the optimal effect (side effects vs. gains) is reached at 2mg per pound of bodyweight/weekly. Don't go over 400mg/week.
    The classic Deca/D-bol cycle makes for a good muscle-growth cycle, and you are much more likely to keep the gains you make from Deca than those you make from Test. The Deca/D-bol stack has proven to be an effective one a long time ago--at a time when many of those who constantly cry for Test were still soiling their pants. Seriously, it's getting pretty annoying. It seems like I can't even order a beer these days without somebody shouting: "Don't forget to take some Test with that."
    I think i have to disagree from what i have read and understand it is easier to prevent sides while on test and keep the gains with proper pct. However this is not the cause with deca and dbol. Dbol will cause a lot of water retention which will mean you will lose more weight when you discontinue, thus making it appear you did not gain much at all. Also in the case of deca it is difficult to prevent estrogen related sides due to the fact that both progesterone and estrogen are by products..... so you would have to use two seperate anti e's to prevent sides whereas using a test you would only have to use one... also It's not worth the risk of never being able to get it up again just because someone is too stubborn to take test. personally i would much rather take one product like test which has estrogen related sides (which are completely controllable) so i could see how i would react to it..(if you took deca you wouldn;t know if it was the pro- or estrogen causing ur sides)
    If im off base on any of this mod/vet please correct me

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Armed Forces Europe
    I suggest visiting the following link on this very site:
    Even a cursory inspection of this chart will quickly set the record straight as to what is better for keeping gains--Test or Deca. My personal experience is that those steroids that provide the fastest, most dramatic results are the very same ones that are less likely to make you keep your gains. The motto: “easy come, easy go” seems to apply here. Again, this is not based on hearsay but on personal experience. However, this is not to say that I feel that water retention is per se negative. Even though you lose the water after the cycle, you might have made greater overall gains. I believe that the effect is similar to the one you get from taking Creatine. But I might be mistaken on this point.
    As to some of the other points that were raised in this thread: I never experienced any of the side effects of Deca that are such a concern to so many. Nor do I know anybody personally who ever suffered from these effects. The reason for this might very well be that we don't go overboard on the dosage but stay within the frame of the above recommendation of 2mg per pound of bodyweight/weekly. In fact, I stay below that recommendation and never go above 400mg per week. In addition, for better or worse, I have added Proviron to my Deca cycles. There seem to be as many arguments in favor of adding Proviron as there are against it. But even without Proviron, I never had noticeable side effects from taking Decca.
    As for the following statement: “It's not worth the risk of NEVER [my emphasis] being able to get it up again just because someone is too stubborn to take test.” I really don’t understand the merit of this argument. The impact of Test on your own Testosterone production, and thus your natural ability to perform, is not a positive one--on the contrary. By no means does the addition of Testosterone to a stack help to keep your own testosterone production up. Nor will it make for faster recovery of the own testosterone production during PCT. I don’t see any reason how the use of Deca could be the culprit responsible for PERMANENT ED. But if such a connection would exist, Testosterone is definitely not the drug that would prevent such a disaster.
    I argue that Deca exhibits much weaker androgenic properties than testosterone and is a very safe choice among steroids.
    At any rate, the point of my initial reply was that you do not have to stack Deca with Test to get a good cycle and that Deca and D-bol make for a good stack. Now, you are entitled to a different opinion. But an opinion is only worth as much as the knowledge or the personal experienced it is based on. It seems to be of fashion lately to bash Deca. I doubt it that this is based on personal experience. In fact, there are people saying that “Deca sucks” who admit that they never took steroids of any kind—which is good considering the age of some of these gentlemen. As for the knowledge, if you look at the reference material on the sides that run message boards such as this one, you will find that a very different picture of Deca emerges. Which brings us back to the chart I mentioned above.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    wobbly, read example why you run test

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