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Thread: ? on scammers

  1. #1
    panabolic's Avatar
    panabolic is offline Associate Member
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    Question ? on scammers/sources

    I've been doin a lot of reading on the scammers threads lately and there's a ton of good info there. One thing I didn't find is the flip side of the scammer question. I know that no one is supposed to reveal sources on the forum, cool, but what I would like to know is what are some things a legit source could do to get & build credibility?? (I am not claiming to be a source) I would like to hear from all members on this question but especially those that have been around the block (mods&vets) or have used internet sources in the past. thnks l8tr.
    Last edited by panabolic; 02-01-2004 at 02:08 PM.

  2. #2
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    all you have to do is provide quality product and come through in a timely fashion for every costomer

  3. #3
    panabolic's Avatar
    panabolic is offline Associate Member
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    thanks Hank I was thinking when someone was investigating a source before ordering (during the due dilligence phase) for example, maybe the source could provide a free sample or a tel # and you could chat with the source before ordering, things like that. thnks for the reply bro.

  4. #4
    Jackman's Avatar
    Jackman is offline Banned
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    hehe dont think a smart source would just give out his #####

  5. #5
    razor67's Avatar
    razor67 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by panabolic
    thanks Hank I was thinking when someone was investigating a source before ordering (during the due dilligence phase) for example, maybe the source could provide a free sample or a tel # and you could chat with the source before ordering, things like that. thnks for the reply bro.
    i wish i had one for a few mo-fo's

  6. #6
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    Yeah the last thing a source will do is give you his number, sources are built on trust. Join other boards and just learn, it will come. Also sources keep communication to a minimum.

  7. #7
    panabolic's Avatar
    panabolic is offline Associate Member
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    phone # thing...

    Ok about the tel # thing guys...LOL . Would a foreign source (out of U.S) say in South America really give a sh** if someone had his tel # . Say it falls in the wrong hands of a Fu**en narc in the states what can that narc do about it?? probably fu** all.

  8. #8
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    A decent source isn't going to give you his phone number, or invite you and your friends over to watch the game either.

    A good source can provide a list of references, preferably very reputable bros known on a lot of bigger boards. You can check with these references as to the quality of the source's products and service. It's all based on trust, and that's about all you can hope for bro.


  9. #9
    dboston89's Avatar
    dboston89 is offline New Member
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    my idea of a good source would be...someone who could provide me with..DNP ....ya know!!!

  10. #10
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    there are some sources who will front, but that's mostly for resalers, so if you're not ordering huge amounts, like $1000 or more, you're not going to get fronted, just keep a look out for sources that get good reviews from members who have been around awhile, don't take references from people whose only posts are those that talk up or put down certain ug labs

  11. #11
    FKITLETSGO's Avatar
    FKITLETSGO is offline Senior Member
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    I think that if your in business with someone and there is a relationship built then a phone number wont hurt.....however i would feel uncomfy if every source is throwing the number around like a sex line

  12. #12
    Paranoid's Avatar
    Paranoid is offline Associate Member
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    My first source was an international one, and a few good bros from here helped me obtain him. He happens to have a website with an address and tel #, but the reputation on these boards was all I needed to order from him. Recently, I have aquired a local source, and he was given to me by a bro from a Canadian forum. With UG labs, I find very tight knit circle of bros, and once you enter you're set.

    BTW, please don't e-mail me for the sources, as I will not even respond!

  13. #13
    MrDezel is offline Banned
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    Ya you guys said it. I payed my dues, and sent money to a couple of scammers in my time and what I wouldn't do for a phone number to call at random hours of the night threatening them, and their offspring. But for a rep source he is gonna keep communication to a minimum. Think about it the more people talk the more likely something might leak out.

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