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  1. #1
    Steamrolla is offline New Member
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    Jan 2004

    New cycle..or not?

    Hi my last thread i agreed to throw in sum test to my deca /debol cycle...well guess wat now i have ordered the test (sust) and its on its way...i was telling this new cycle to my fellow roid heads in the gym and the same guy who told me to go on the deca/dbol cycle came up to me n told me to stack in a diff way...this is how it goes

    Week 1-10 sust (500mg/wk)
    Week 11 dbol (30mg/ed) Deca (400mg/wk)
    Week 12 dbol (35mg/ed) Deca (400mg/wk)
    Week 13 dbol (40mg/ed) Deca (400mg/wk)
    Week 14 dbol (40mg/ed) Deca (400mg/wk)
    Week 15 dbol (35mg/ed) Deca (400mg/wk)
    Week 16 dbol (30mg/ed) Deca (400mg/wk)

    i've actually nvr seen a cycle like this...he's quite very well informed about roids. at least dats wat everybody in the gym thinks..he told me to listen to him if i wanna get gd gains n keep usual i'm not gonna do anything rash without clarifying everything here....this is how my normal cycle looked like

    Week 1-12 sust (500mg/wk)
    Week 1-4 dbol (30mg/ed)
    Week 1-12 deca (400mg/wk)

    so guys tell me if i should just stick to my cycle or listen to this ...if u guys think that this guy is nuts or sumthing...then pls do lemme noe so i can stay away...thanks

  2. #2
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    your cycle is the correct one, there are several things wrong with the cycle your gym buddie proposed, but there's no reason to list them all, just go with your own, btw, you're going to blow up with water like a mofo with those three compounds, if you don't want to look like the michelen man, you might want to consider running some ldex along with that cycle, and start pct three weeks after last injection

  3. #3
    Steamrolla is offline New Member
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    Jan 2004
    alrite thanks for clarifying them...could u list some of the reasons i'll actually noe y...instead of it being foreign to me...

  4. #4
    zx7racing's Avatar
    zx7racing is offline Senior Member
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    run your deca 1 wk shorter than the test. and do not taper your dbol . and many would suggest for you to run nolva throughout this cycle. do you have bromo on hand?
    1-4 40mg dbol
    1-11 test 500mg e3d or e2d
    1-10 deca 400mg
    run nolva @ 10-20 through out into pct
    start pct 2 weeks after laet test inj.
    and check into bromo, you may need it
    good luck

  5. #5
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    start pct THREE weeks after sust not two zx
    well, things that are wrong, you run test alongside the deca , not before it, there's no reason to pyramid dbol dosage, 6 weeks of deca aren't going to do all that much for you, you want the dbol at the beginning of the cycle as a jumpstart, not at the end, the test should be run one week longer than the deca, at least, and i don't see any mention of pct or anti-e's, probably the most important part of a good cycle

  6. #6
    Steamrolla is offline New Member
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    Jan 2004
    i got the pct stuff nolva, liquidex , proviron , hcg and some clen just in case....the cycle part is wat i was more concerned about...and yeah i've read that pct chld be started 3 wks after sust...thanks alot for clarifying my doubts...cheers

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